How are CALLEX-ESP and BaDELE related, and what are they used for?
BaDELE3000: An implementation of the lexical inheritance principle (2007)
In 2002 the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences created CALLEX (Apresjan et al., 2002, 2003), a computer-assisted language learning tool for Russian, English and German. CALLEX allows the learners to extend their lexical knowledge by means of five types of games. Although this program is not directly linked to the Explicative and Combinatory Lexicology, the use of LFs allows it to be considered an implementation of the MTT. The systematisation of the system shows semantic and syntactic similarities and differences among LFs of the same family and their relation with lexemes that belong to the same lexical field (see collocations listed by different LFs in Apresjan et al. 2007). The adaptation of that tool for Spanish, called CALLEX-ESP, is under development in the phase of encoding the lexical relations; when concluded, the software system will produce many exercises automatically, although by the final version of CALLEX-ESP the model of DiCE (see footnote 4) exercises for Spanish could be taken in account.
This paper deals with a first version of a resource created for CALLEX-ESP: a database called BaDELE3000 (Base de Datos para el Español como Lengua Extranjera). This database contains information about the 3,000 most frequently used nouns in Spanish, a lexicon that was considered useful enough for an intermediate-advanced (learning) level here.