Will a robot with an artificial intelligence parallel to a man’s have dreams?
I think the answer to this question is, maybe. I’m fairly confident that the natural, nocturnal dreaming process in humans will be accurately modeled in a machine in the not too distant future. However, it remains to be seen if that mechanism will be the best way to do something in a robot. The jury is still out on dreaming, many intelligent people think nocturnal dreaming is just noise. I don’t happen to share this view, but only time will tell.
=> quora.com/search?q=marcus
- How do we create artificial intelligence which dreams?
- How does the brain create abstractions?
- What algorithms model the imagination in agent or multi-agent systems?
- Will computers ever be able to think “out of the box”?
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- Why can’t a computer dream?
- How are metaphors handled in AI / NLP / ML?
- Is it possible to explain metaphors using discourse analysis frameworks, or only with cognitive linguistic frameworks?
- Can we build a dream visualising machine using signal processing?
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