Which Twitter bots retweet and/or mention you when prompted or based on specific trigger?
I maintained a list of 100 Best Twitter Bots through 2012; however, since the final Twitter “OAuth apocalypse” with the shutdown of API v1.0 in June 2013 all of my own 250x Meta-Guide Feed Bots have stopped working. Not only that, but my subsequent fix Tweet-2-RSS has been shut down; because, Twitter is now taking a hard line against all non-Twitter verbatim retweeting. I’m sure there are still some responder bots (aka reply bots) using OAuth; but, Twitter also considers this a form of automated spam.
In the early years Twitter was extremely fertile ground for creativity. In fact the original Twitter was sheer brilliance, even if initially mystifying. It is tremendously unfortunate that Twitter was not a public infrastructure like Usenet. The paranoic “Facebook complex” of the Twitter gods and consequent heavy-handed protectionism is guaranteed to turn Twitter into the next Myspace….