How do venture capitalists segment the artificial intelligence vendor landscape?
Disclaimer: I’m not a venture capitalist (but I play one on TV).
One issue is that the field of artificial intelligence is so disparate as to be almost meaningless; so, if venture capitalists can segment it in a meaningful way, I would certainly like to know the answer myself. If you look at my recent Quora answer to Which companies are key players in the artificial intelligence (AI) sector, in terms of investment?, you can see that there are four major sectors I’m looking at now, in terms of startups. (I’m sure there are others, particularly overlapping with robotics.) These are:
- Natural Language Generation (such as Automated Journalism)
- Dialog System APIs (for the Internet of Things, for instance)
- Virtual Assistant Bots (Siri, Cortana, Alexa, etc)
- AGI (Artificial General Intelligence, formerly known as Strong AI)