Notes: MALLET (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit) is a free, open-source machine learning software package written in Java that was developed for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. It was developed at the…
Search Results for: Mallet
Stanford CoreNLP & Coreference Resolution
Notes: Coreference is a phenomenon that occurs in natural language when two or more expressions in a text refer to the same person, place, or thing. This can be seen in sentences…
Probabilistic Models, Multi-agent Systems & Natural Language
Notes: Probabilistic models are a type of mathematical model that is used to represent uncertain or random phenomena. In the context of multi-agent systems, probabilistic models can be used to represent the…
Statistical Semantics
Notes: Statistical semantics is a subfield of linguistics that deals with the use of statistical techniques to analyze and understand the meanings of words and phrases. It is based on the idea…
AI Algorithms Meta Guide
Notes: An algorithm is a specific set of steps or procedures that are followed in order to solve a problem or perform a specific task. The steps in an algorithm are typically…
What are the free information extraction software packages?
What are the free information extraction software packages? Wikipedia: Information extraction: Free or open source software and services: General Architecture for Text Engineering “General Architecture for Text Engineering”, which is bundled with…
Is there any implementation (a stable/or not release) in Java for Dynamic Topic Modeling?
Is there any implementation (a stable/or not release) in Java for Dynamic Topic Modeling? David Blei‘s lab at Columbia University has a GitHub at Blei-Lab, however at leastturbotopics is in Python. LingPipe…
Dynamic Topic Modeling
Notes: Topic modeling is a set of techniques that are used to automatically discover the underlying topics in a dataset of text documents and to represent these topics in a concise and…
Resources and linguistic processors
Resources and linguistic processors (2013) .. by Rodrigo Agerri etc Contents 1 Introduction 13 2 Processing Events in Text 15 2.1 Event detection from multilingual textual sources … 15 2.2 Progress on semantic processing ……
Twitter4J & Natural Language
Notes: Twitter4J is a Java library for the Twitter API that allows Java developers to easily integrate with Twitter’s APIs and build applications that use Twitter data. Twitter4J is open source and…