Notes: GitHub stars are basically bookmarks. This list represents Marcus Endicott’s GitHub bookmarks from day dot to date. adaptive skip-gram implementation agent-based ai research agent platform aiml based bot apache uima framework…
Search Results for: OpenNLP Document Categorizer
Resources and linguistic processors
Resources and linguistic processors (2013) .. by Rodrigo Agerri etc Contents 1 Introduction 13 2 Processing Events in Text 15 2.1 Event detection from multilingual textual sources … 15 2.2 Progress on semantic processing ……
Notes: Intellexer is a software platform developed by Intellexer, Inc. that provides natural language processing (NLP) and text analytics capabilities. Intellexer is designed to help organizations extract meaning and insights from unstructured…
Natural Language Processing Toolkits
Notes: Natural Language Processing toolkits like NLTK, Stanford NLP, and OpenNLP are well-known and widely used in the NLP community, and researchers and practitioners frequently cite and use these libraries in their…