What percentage of questions would IBM’s Watson be able to answer on Quora? Real world questions tend toward messy and rambling (like asking three questions in one, and more often than not…
Author: mendicott
How much did it cost to develop IBM’s Watson?
How much did it cost to develop IBM’s Watson? NYT put #ibmwatson hardware at $1 million http://www10.nytimes.com/2010/06/20/magazine/20Computer-t.html .. #Power750 32core goes for $350 grand http://www.itjungle.com/tfh/tfh081610-story01.html .. If 32 core Power 750 retails for $350…
Is the IBM Watson architecture typical of modern AI systems?
Is the IBM Watson architecture typical of modern AI systems? Who can say what is really “normal” in AI? The UIMA natural language architecture could be said to be somewhat standard. The…