Will IBM Watson kill Jeopardy by winning? Its worth re-examining the IBM Deep Blue (chess computer) story to compare for potential effects .. You can read more about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Blue_(chess_computer) There…
Category: 2011
Any commercial softbot reference?
Any commercial softbot reference? Check out the new Denise virtual assistant from guile3d at http://guile3d.com/en ..
What topics and books should a person read who has interest in creating cognitive intelligence in computers?
What topics and books should a person read who has interest in creating cognitive intelligence in computers? Check out the OpenCog Foundation at http://opencog.org .. Ben Goertzel and Hugo de Garis are…
Will there be an Android Bill of Rights?
Will there be an Android Bill of Rights? Two related issues: 1) Better to start with dolphins: Scientists say dolphins should be treated as ‘non-human persons’ http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/uk_news/article194197.ece 2) Issues of agent abuse must…
What percentage of questions would IBM’s Watson be able to answer on Quora?
What percentage of questions would IBM’s Watson be able to answer on Quora? Real world questions tend toward messy and rambling (like asking three questions in one, and more often than not…
How much did it cost to develop IBM’s Watson?
How much did it cost to develop IBM’s Watson? NYT put #ibmwatson hardware at $1 million http://www10.nytimes.com/2010/06/20/magazine/20Computer-t.html .. #Power750 32core goes for $350 grand http://www.itjungle.com/tfh/tfh081610-story01.html .. If 32 core Power 750 retails for $350…
Is the IBM Watson architecture typical of modern AI systems?
Is the IBM Watson architecture typical of modern AI systems? Who can say what is really “normal” in AI? The UIMA natural language architecture could be said to be somewhat standard. The…