Notes: [This text represents a 2025 analysis by Claude AI of Marcus Endicott’s 2010 tweets.] Based on the tweets from 2010, this person appears to be deeply immersed in the world of…
Tag: rivescript
Marcus L Endicott: Tweets 2011
Notes: [This text represents a 2025 analysis by Claude AI of Marcus Endicott’s 2011 tweets.] Based on the Twitter archive, this person demonstrates a deep and sustained interest in artificial intelligence, particularly…
Marcus L Endicott: Tweets 2012
Notes: [This text represents a 2025 analysis by Claude AI of Marcus Endicott’s 2012 tweets.] Based on the extensive collection of tweets, this individual demonstrates a deep and sustained interest in artificial…
RiveScript by Noah Petherbridge Notes: RiveScript is a simple text-based scripting language for writing trigger/responses for intelligent chatbots. Noah Petherbridge calls his new RiveScript Perl-based chatbot language an “AIML variant”, and argues that RiveScript…