MakeHuman is an open-source software tool for creating 3D human models. It was developed by a team of researchers at the University of Bologna in Italy, and was first released in 2005. The goal of MakeHuman was to provide a simple, user-friendly tool for creating 3D human models that could be used in a variety of applications, such as video games, animation, and virtual reality.
Since its initial release, MakeHuman has undergone several major updates and has become a popular choice for 3D artists and developers. It has been used in a variety of projects, including video games, films, and television shows, as well as in research and education.
MakeHuman is designed to be easy to use, with a simple interface and a wide range of customization options. It allows users to create 3D human models by adjusting a variety of parameters, such as age, gender, height, weight, and facial features. It also includes a library of pre-made models and accessories that can be used to create more complex scenes.
- .. facshuman plugin for makehuman project
- .. open source tool for making 3d characters
- .. modular framework from facial expression to procedural avatar
See also:
Avatar Systems | IVA (Intelligent Virtual Agents)
- MakeHuman Tutorial
- MakeHuman Mixamo Blender – Tutorial Part 1
- MakeHuman Mixamo Blender – Tutorial Part 2
- UE4 Tutorial – Makehuman, Blender, Mixamo, with Facial Animations
- Tutorial Baixando roupas e alvos para MakeHuman
- blender Tutorial How To Add Custom Clothing To Makehuman Character Part 2
- blender Tutorial How To Add Custom Clothing To Makehuman Character Part 1
- Unity Tutorial: How Fix Textures For MakeHuman Character And Test It
- Makehuman Tutorial: How To Model Your Own 3d Character
- 20 Abos #3 – Blender + Makehuman Tutorial – Menschen in Blender
- Unreal Engine 4 How to add MakeHuman character as actor tutorial with Blender and Mixamo
- Tutorial membuat karakter sederhana pada dengan cepat MAKEHUMAN
- MakeHuman to Blender with IK Bones and Motion Capture (Tutorial)
- How to make Character by makehuman (Bangla Tutorial )
- Makehuman Target Tutorial
- MakeHuman Tutorial
- [Tutorial] Controlling Makehuman Avatar with Vive Trackers in Unity3d
- Import MakeHuman Files to Blender for Mac (Tutorial)
- Makehuman Bodyguard creation tutorial!
- Tutorial – 3D Characters erstellen – Blender 3D + Makehuman + MHX2 Plugin
- Unity3D Tutorial- How to Import A MakeHuman Character!
- makehuman hindi tutorial 04
- makehuman hindi tutorial 03
- makeHuman tutorial
- How to import makehuman files in blender and add bvh files-Tutorial 2.
- How to enable Makehuman and Makewalk on blender-Tutorial
- Blender-O-Tic Tutorial: Create Targets for a SSBBW for MakeHuman
- How to download and install makehuman blender tutorial || free 3D human character creator software
- Blender Tutorial how to Import Makehuman Object in blender
- Blender 3D Tutorial – How to Separate MakeHuman Teeth for Rigging by VscorpianC
- Import makehuman mhx file & BVH Blender 2 76 tutorial
- Blender MakeHuman Beginners Tutorial: How To Infinitely Resize A 3D Human Character Create In MakeHu
- Tutorial 1- Makehuman to RealmCrafter Pipeline Pt 1 of 2: Makehuman to Blender
- Tutorial 1- Makehuman to RealmCrafter Pipeline Pt 2 of 2: Blender to RealmCrafter
- Blender Tutorial: Quickly Lip-sync Makehuman characters with MHX2 and Quicktalk
- Blender 3D Tutorial – How to Make Morph Targets for MakeHuman by VscorpianC
- Blender 3D Lip Sync Tutorials Pt 4 – Edit the MakeHuman mhx2 Visemes by VscorpianC
- Blender 3D Lip Sync Tutorials Pt 3 – Import & Texture MakeHuman Character by VscorpianC
- Blender 3D Lip Sync Tutorials Pt 2 – MakeHuman, Make a Human Female Model by VscorpianC
- Blender 3D Tutorial – How to Make Hair on MakeHuman Characters (Easy) by VscorpianC
- MakeHuman Tutorial – (Pt.10) How to Model Human Characters Export for Blender 3d by VscorpianC
- Blender 3D Tutorial – How to Fix MakeHuman Alpha Textures by VscorpianC
- Blender 3D Tutorial – How to Add MakeHuman Clothes to Animated Character by VscorpianC
- Blender 3D Tutorial – MakeHuman, How to use MakeClothes for Hardbody Assets by VscorpianC
- MakeHuman Tutorial – (Pt.9) How to Export 3d Character & Import in Wings3D by VscorpianC
- MakeHuman Tutorial – (Pt.8) How to Fix Heel Toe Foot Roll, MHX2 with Shoes by VscorpianC
- MakeHuman Tutorial – (Pt 7) Intro to Using the MHX2 Advanced Rig in Blender 3D by VscorpianC
- MakeHuman Tutorial (Pt.6) How to Hide 3D Character’s Skin Under Clothes by VscorpianC
- MakeHuman Tutorial – (Pt.5) How to Create T-Pose Slider with MakeTarget in Blender 3D by VscorpianC
- MakeHuman Tutorial – (Pt.4 ) Make Clothes that Fit 3D Models with Blender Addon by VscorpianC
- MakeHuman Tutorial (Pt.3) Make Human Characters with B.G. Reference Images by VscorpianC
- MakeHuman Tutorial (Pt.2) Beginners Guide to the User Interface by VscorpianC
- MakeHuman Tutorial (Pt.1) Install Make Human & Set up Blender 3D Tools by VscorpianC
- Makehuman Zbrush tutorial and workflow
- Tutorial como crear un personaje en makehuman
- Tutorial MakeHuman e Blender (Compatibilidade de Armadura)
- Tutorial MakeHuman para Blender e UDK em FBX
- Tutorial animación humana con Blender y Makehuman. Parte II – Rigging y ciclo de caminado basico
- Tutorial animación humana con Blender y Makehuman. Parte I.
- Tutorial animación humana con Blender y Makehuman. Parte III Rigg facial
- *TUTORIAL* Animando MODELOS 3D do MakeHuman no Blender!!!
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- MakeHuman Tutorial C4D Import
- Tutorial – Makehuman & Blender – kostenlose 3D Charaktere erstellen
- Makehuman to unity character import video tutorial textured clothes
- Video Tutorial Ekspor Karakter dari Makehuman ke Blender
- Blender cycles Tutorial – Makehuman – the fast way part 3
- Blender cycles tutorial – Makehuman – the fast way part 2
- Blender cycles tutorial – Makehuman – the fast way…part 1
- Download: Blender, Gimp und Makehuman [Tutorial]
- MakeHuman in Blender: Setting rest pose to T-stance tutorial
- tutorial blender animando com makehuman
- makehuman modding tutorial PART 3 of 3
- makehuman modding tutorial PART 2 of 3
- makehuman modding tutorial PART 1 of 3
- Blender Tutorial #1 Download von Blender und MakeHuman
- GameDesign mit Blender 3D – Tutorial 05 A – MakeHuman (deutsch)
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s21.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s20.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s19.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s17.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s18.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s16.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s15.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s14.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – MakeHuman Stable and Nightly tutorial s8.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s13.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s12.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s11.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s10.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s9.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s8.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s7.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s6.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s5.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s4.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s3.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – MakeHuman Nightly Release tutorial s4.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s2.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – Blender and MakeHuman Advanced tutorial s1.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – MakeHuman Nightly Release tutorial s3.avi.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – MakeHuman Nightly Release tutorial s2.avi.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – MakeHuman Nightly Release tutorial s1.avi.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – MakeHuman Stable Release tutorial s3.avi.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – MakeHuman Stable Release tutorial s2.avi.avi
- Virtual Reality Game Dev Ed – MakeHuman Stable Release tutorial s1.avi
- MakeHuman importieren Blender2.62 Tutorial Deutsch
- Tutorial MakeHuman – by NiktorTheNat
- Blender 2.5 Tutorial: Using MakeHuman with Blender
- Makehuman runthough and tutorial
- Blender 2.5 tutorial: using the MakeHuman .mhx importer