There Came an Echo is a science fiction-themed real-time strategy game developed by Iridium Studios and released in 2015. It is set in a future where players control a character named Corrin, who is a scientist and former soldier. Corrin is aided by a team of characters and a powerful artificial intelligence named Iris, who can be controlled through voice commands.
In the game, players must use voice commands to control their units and execute various actions, such as moving and attacking. The game also includes a dialogue system in which players can choose how to respond to certain situations and affect the outcome of the story.
There Came an Echo received mixed reviews upon its release, with some praising its unique voice command gameplay mechanics and others criticizing its complex controls and somewhat confusing story.
- .. iridium studios’ second game, a voice-controlled squad-
based strategy game
See also:
- Ep. 1 – Talking With My Voice Words -There Came an Echo Playthrough
- There Came An Echo — a voice-commanded real-time strategy
- There Came an Echo Episode 2: Let’s talk about some Anime today.
- Let’s Talk: There Came an Echo Part 2
- Let’s Talk: There Came an Echo Part 1
- Let’s Talk… There Came an Echo
- Let’s Play There Came an Echo – Ep.01 – Voice Commands Rock!
- There Came An Echo walkthrough gameplay part 1 “voice control antics”
- There Came An Echo: Stacking Voice Commands
- There Came an Echo – Voice of the Voiceless
- THERE CAME AN ECHO – Voice Command Gameplay [1080p HD]
- There Came an Echo – Voice activated RTS starring Wil Wheaton