Avatars, Agency and Performance: The Fusion of Science and Technology within the Arts Richard Andrew Salmon 2014 3. Methodology and methods The methodological framework chosen in order to gain a greater understanding…
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Resources and linguistic processors
Resources and linguistic processors (2013) .. by Rodrigo Agerri etc Contents 1 Introduction 13 2 Processing Events in Text 15 2.1 Event detection from multilingual textual sources … 15 2.2 Progress on semantic processing ……
Notes: FreeLing is a free and open-source suite of language processing tools for a variety of natural languages, including English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and French. It includes modules for tokenization, part-of-speech tagging,…
100 Best DBpedia Videos
Notes: DBpedia is a database that extracts structured information from Wikipedia and makes it available for use in other applications and services. It uses techniques like natural language processing to organize information…
Notes: Requirements engineering is the process of defining, documenting, and managing the requirements for a software system. It is an important step in the software development process, as it helps to ensure…