Who are the biggest players in artificial intelligence today?
Who is the world’s top artificial intelligence system designer?
1) IBM Watson principal investigator: David Ferrucci
2) Siri co-founders: Adam Cheyer, Dag Kittlaus, and Tom Gruber
3) China Brain Project mavericks: Hugo de Garis and Ben Goertzel
4) Blue Brain Project founding director: Henry Markram
5) DeepMind Technologies co-founder: Demis Hassabis
What are the qualifications of an evangelist for a natural language processing technology startup?
One place to start would be to examine or “reverse engineer” Google’s choice of Ray Kurzweil for “Director of Engineering”. What are the qualities that Google saw in Ray Kurzweil?
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I think it’s fair to say that Google to a large degree is in the NLP business, and by all accounts hired Ray Kurzweil to move NLP into the robotics sphere, which basically includes “cognitive computing” (à la IBM) as middle ground.