What are some really interesting web crawling projects? I’ve got an ongoing partially unresolved inquiry into converting sitemaps into mindmaps [1], which in ideal conditions would involve crawling a website, parsing the…
Category: 2012
Place for Artificial Intelligence Researchers to Gather / Collaborate / Pool Data Online?
Place for Artificial Intelligence Researchers to Gather / Collaborate / Pool Data Online? If you look at the Wikipedia “Category:Artificial_intelligence” [1], you will see from the number of subcategories that “Artificial Intelligence”…
How would you use a MindMapping tool like xmind/Mindjet Mindmanager to look at your data?
How would you use a MindMapping tool like xmind/Mindjet Mindmanager to look at your data? My understanding is that mindmaps are incapable of representing recursive linkages. For example, I am interested in…
What are the possible features that can be extracted from text?
What are the possible features that can be extracted from text? Wikipedia has a “Category:Tasks_of_Natural_language_processing” [1]. [1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Tasks_of_Natural_language_processing
Will If This Then That (ifttt) add Quora as a channel?
Will If This Then That (ifttt) add Quora as a channel? I had my Quora Questions [1] and Answers [2] feeds set up in an IFTTT recipe; but, Quora GUIDs seem to…
What are the best resources (authors/websites) for mapping system flows?
What are the best resources (authors/websites) for mapping system flows? Quora has topics for Workflow, Workflow Automation, and Workflow Management. Wikipedia has a “Category:Workflow_technology” [1]. Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF) [2] is…
Question and answer based search engine using DBpedia?
Question and answer based search engine using DBpedia? Automated natural language question answering systems are different from “search engines”. For me, “semantic” generally refers to the W3C specified “semantic web” technologies, which…
What are the topics I need to know to make an AI chat program?
What are the topics I need to know to make an AI chat program? I’ve got something like 2x FAQs happening on how to make Conversational Agents (Chatbots) and Virtual Assistants (bots);…
What is the best Bit.ly-compatible Twitterfeed alternative?
What is the best Bit.ly-compatible Twitterfeed alternative? IFTTT is also Bitly compatible. Lately, I have had a few out of control recipes using IFTTT, and have gone back to more reliable Dlvr.it;…
When will robots/androids be available for educational/training purposes?
When will robots/androids be available for educational/training purposes? In the beginning there were softbots, software robots or virtual robots, before there were hardbots, hardware robots or physical robots. BTW, the more politically…