Place for Artificial Intelligence Researchers to Gather / Collaborate / Pool Data Online?
If you look at the Wikipedia “Category:Artificial_intelligence” [1], you will see from the number of subcategories that “Artificial Intelligence” is not one thing, but many. For example, I am most interested in all the various applications of “artificial intelligence” in and around Dialog System (software); so, I have created my own “Twitter List” [2], which includes feeds from all major web fora related to Conversational Agents (Chatbots) etc.
It is not immediately clear to me what advantages, if any, that Scopus would have over Google Scholar, for instance; though for sure, the disadvantage of Google Scholar is the lack of Google Alerts type web feeds, despite their email alerts. I use Mendeley, and have been very happy with it, for what it is. I also use, but find it less useful. My ideal would be a merger of both Mendeley and