In Unreal Engine, Blueprints are a visual scripting language that allows users to create and customize gameplay and other interactive elements without writing code. Blueprints are used to create logic and behavior for objects in Unreal Engine projects, such as characters, weapons, and environments.
Blueprints can be used with speech and voice in Unreal Engine to enable characters and other objects to recognize and respond to voice commands or spoken dialogue. To do this, users can create Blueprints that include logic and behavior for recognizing and responding to specific voice inputs.
For example, users could create a Blueprint that allows a character to recognize and respond to a specific voice command, such as “Jump” or “Pick up the object.” They could also create Blueprints that allow characters to recognize and respond to more complex spoken dialogue, such as conversations or questions.
To use Blueprints with speech and voice in Unreal Engine, users will need to have a microphone and a voice recognition system set up. They can then create Blueprints that include logic for recognizing and responding to specific voice inputs, and use these Blueprints to control the behavior of characters or other objects in their Unreal Engine projects.
See also:
100 Best GitHub: UnrealEngine Speech Recognition | 100 Best UnrealEngine Facial Animation Videos | 100 Best UnrealEngine Speech Recognition Videos
[96x Jun 2022]
- Achievement System (Blueprint Compatible) in Code Plugins .. Easily define and manage achievements in any UE4 project
- Advanced HUD Style 7 in Blueprints .. Action RPG Style – Advanced HUD System
- Advanced Interaction System in Blueprints .. Advanced Interaction System contains graspable, destructible, inspectable, draggable, and clickable objects with pickup, release, throw, rotate, move, drag controls and physics simulation.
- Advanced VoIP Voice Chat System in Blueprints .. Complete VoIP Voice Chat System for multiplayer real time communications with cellphones, Walkie-Talkie multiBand-frequencies
- AI Voice Generator By Amazon Polly in Code Plugins .. This plugin allows you to make voice with AWS Polly by text input in the blueprint
- Announcer system in Code Plugins .. A plugin that allows you to play voice announcements.
- Anon’s Dialogue System in Blueprints .. Blueprint component dialogue system that supports using both Blueprint or data tables with camera angles
- Area Based Procedural Generation in Blueprints .. Area-Based Procedural Generation is a system that takes procedural generation and adds control, so everything isn’t out of the level designers control.
- aws Game Lift Client Blueprint Plugin in Code Plugins .. amazon web service Game Lift Client Blueprint Plugin
- AzSpeech – Text and Voice in Code Plugins .. Integrates Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services: Speech
- Azure TTS in Code Plugins .. Azure Speech Service TTS(Text-to-Speech) plugin
- Blueprint Exceptions Library in Code Plugins .. Design “Try / Catch” Blocks in Blueprints, like in dotNET code.
- Blueprint Menu System in Blueprints .. A Easy to use menu system designed only using blueprint, With Map Hosting, Game search, Graphics Settings, Volume Control, and Key Remapping.
- Blueprint Security in Code Plugins .. Protect your blueprint source code
- Blueprint Toolbox in Code Plugins .. An extended blueprint function library with helpful new nodes.
- Blueprintable Online Beacons in Code Plugins .. This plugin exposes the Online Beacon functionality onto Blueprints, making it easier then ever to configure and build your own beacons.
- Blueprints Access To GConfig in Code Plugins .. Access GConfig Functionality via Blueprints
- ChatBot A.I. Simulator in Blueprints .. A 100% Blueprint driven Conversation Bot that simulates communication with Artificial Intelligence.
- Check All Blueprints Compile in Code Plugins .. Check All Blueprints Compile
- Chunk Downloader in Code Plugins .. ChunkDownloader Blueprint Wrapper
- Comic Style Chat Bubbles in Blueprints .. Comic Style Chat Bubble is a text to mesh tool that is a easy way to convert your game’s dialogue into an interesting 3D Mesh.
- Cross-Platform Voice Chat Pro in Code Plugins .. Cross-platform Voice Chat for Windows, Android, iOS, Oculus, Linux
- Cy EditorTools RealTime DebugValue in Blueprints .. Debugging tool for prototyping that allows to display real-time values on the screen in several forms.
- Designing for Voice in UE Online Learning .. Check out the description for more information about this course project from Unreal Online Learning.
- Dialogue System in Blueprints .. Dialogue system with decisions and response time
- Directional Voice Chat in Code Plugins .. The easiest way to create directional proximity voice chat for your multiplayer game. Host your voice chat servers for half the price of Vivox.
- DLC In Blueprints V2 in Code Plugins .. Quickly and easily add microtransactions and DLC to your project for the steam platform.
- Document Reader Pro MVE in Blueprints .. A key component for environmental storytelling as seen in many AAA games. Let documents scattered in your level tell the story, with the included cinematic inspection and reading mode. (100+ Sales)
- DrunkenDwarfs Speechbubble in Blueprints .. The Speechbubble System allows an easy and fast setup for speechbubble dialogue.
- DynamoDB with Blueprints (AWS) in Code Plugins .. Key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale.
- Easy Dialog Creator in Blueprints .. A simple system allowing the fast creation of complex dialogs, using only blueprints.
- Easy Popups in Code Plugins .. Easy Popups Plugin allows you to easily manage user/player input for popup dialogs and other user input dependent stuff in Blueprints.
- Easy RPG Dialogue System in Blueprints .. An easy to use dialogue builder with letter by letter text effect, sequencer integration, multiple choices and much more! Inspired by JRPGs.
- Easy Voice Chat in Code Plugins .. Easy to implement Networked Voice Chat using Blueprints
- Electric Cars in Blueprints .. Electric Cars
- Emotional Behavior System in Blueprints .. Emotionally Charged AI System
- EOS Voice Chat in Code Plugins .. Use EOS Voice Chat in Blueprints
- EOSCore in Code Plugins .. Epic Online Services (EOS) in UE4
- First Person Graphic Adventure in Blueprints .. A template inspired by first person adventures of late 90s.
- First Person Point And Click Template in Blueprints .. The First Person Point And Click Template is a fully blueprint based template meant to make 3D versions of first person point and click games, games from the 90’s like A Case for Cap & Co and more recent ones also like Myst or The Room.
- Flight Animation Blueprint in Blueprints .. It’s finally here after many requests, The Flight Animation Blueprint has arrived!
- GME in Code Plugins .. GME provides a one-stop gaming voice solution
- Google Speech Kit in Code Plugins .. Google speech api integration
- Google TextToSpeech in Code Plugins .. Plugin for Google’s TextToSpeech API, play synthetic voices inside your games.
- Health And Damage System in Blueprints .. A system for sending damage events between actors, and managing the health of an actor with a large number of options, including weak spots, resistances, shields, and more.
- Image Lights in Blueprints .. Use image textures as lights!
- Int16 for Blueprints in Code Plugins .. A plugin that adds 16 Bit Integers to the Blueprints
- Logic Driver Lite – State Machine Blueprint Editor in Code Plugins .. Create visual hierarchical finite state machines that execute blueprint nodes with an editor similar to unreal animation state machines. Quickly create gameplay logic — great for prototyping and for production!
- Mars Rover Simulator in Blueprints .. This package is actually a simulator of a Mars Rover.
- Mini Games 2 in Blueprints .. 5 pcs of quality mini games. Sci-fi setting
- Multiplayer with Blueprints (AWS) in Code Plugins .. The easiest way to make a multiplayer game. Save years of work by building your multiplayer system with Blueprints.
- NPC Chat System in Blueprints .. Chat system – Talk with NPC’s through a text chat just like with your human-friends! Fully customizable and easy to expand custom logic to your words, includes Oversight Level and a Special Map with three riddles!
- NV Spline Tools in Blueprints .. A modular, easy-to-use and fully customisable system for placing and shaping meshes along a spline.
- Offline Speech Recognition in Code Plugins .. Accurate offline speech recognition
- Online Subsystem Blueprints in Code Plugins .. Access Unreal Engine’s online subsystems from blueprints! No C++ necessary.
- Open World AI Multiplayer Spawn System in Blueprints .. An easy to use spawn system designed for multiplayer that will save you a lot on performance in open world multiplayer games. Spawning and de-spawning are both taken care of by the server without extra load for the clients, example AI is also included.
- Photon Cloud, Voice and Chat – Multiplayer plugin in Code Plugins .. Multiplayer Realtime, Voice and Chat with Photon Relay Server in the Cloud
- Planetarium Planet Blueprint in Blueprints .. Planetarium Planet Blueprint for earth like Planets along with a space sphere.
- Pro Aim Assist in Blueprints .. Pro Aim Assist is an advanced component based asset. It’s designed to be extremely easy to setup for any type of project.
- ProAI in Blueprints .. ProAI is based on the AI character and a powerful Spawn Manager System. You can place a single AI to the map, and, or use the powerful Spawn Manager to control the spawning of the AI. ProAI is very flexible, and let you save a lot of developing time.
- Quiz Game Starter Kit in Blueprints .. 100% Blueprint, Quiz game template. Inspired by the TV show “Millionaire”
- Regular Expression Blueprints in Code Plugins .. At long last you can do regex from blueprints!
- Replica Studios – AI Voice Actors in Code Plugins .. Realistic AI voice actors for your games, films, or animations. Free trial includes 30 minutes of voice generation.
- Save System in Blueprints .. Save System provides an easy way to save game with support for multiple save slots and loading levels
- Simple Steam Multiplayer System in Blueprints .. A simple Steam Multiplayer System with Chat and Voice Chat
- Simple Talk Component in Blueprints .. Just add Simple Talk Component and start creating npc’s immediately
- SimplexUI in Blueprints .. Flexible and customizable UI solution, materials and widgets. 100% Blueprint.
- SmoothFade in Blueprints .. Smooth fade of [Static Mesh/Skeletal Mesh] asset between character and camera, It disappears more naturally depending on the distance between the camera and the object.
- Snowfall Storytelling Plugin in Code Plugins .. Provides story and narrative flow control for RPGs, visual novels and other story driven games. Including player choices, story branching, story conditions and more. All of that through an easy to use screenplay style language.
- Social Deduction Game Murder Mystery Template in Blueprints .. Easy To Use Template To Create Your Social Deduction Game!
- Speech Bubbles in Blueprints .. With Speech Bubble system any Actor in your game can easily speak.
- Speechace in Code Plugins .. An integration of Speechace speech recognition cloud service
- Stealth Action AI In Blueprints in Blueprints .. Stealth Action AI for TPS/FPS Games Now With DynamicCovers and Crouch/Climb/Vault/Idle/Patrol/Search/Hostile/Alert States
- SteamCore in Code Plugins .. Use Steam with Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints
- TD Blueprint Library in Code Plugins .. A function library that allows faster development with Blueprints.
- Text Beeper in Blueprints .. This Blueprint will automatically sound the text as a simple BEEP/TICK/CLICK sounds
- Text to Speech (Amazon Polly) in Code Plugins .. Use Amazon Polly (Text-To-Speech) Inside Unreal Engine 4
- Text to Speech in Code Plugins .. Convert Text to Speech
- Text Vocalizer in Blueprints .. The Vocalizer is a vocalization system that converts your texts into animal-like speech
- Typing Derbi – A 2D Platformer / Typing Game in Blueprints .. Typing Derbi is a 2D action packed Platformer / Typing game with lots of custom functionality, smooth 2d gameplay, clean animations, and easy to edit blueprints.
- Ultimate Menu System in Blueprints .. An Ultimate Menu System With Examples For Single and Multiplayer Games.
- Ultimate Portal System Game (Upsg) in Blueprints .. This Kit “portal like” is ready to use , Full Gameplay , easy to use and easy to upgrade
- Ultimate Voice Chat (VoiceChat for Blueprints) in Code Plugins .. Easily add voice input to your blueprint projects in less than 10 minutes.
- Universal Native TTS Text-To-Speech Offline (Windows / Android / iOS) in Code Plugins .. This plugin allows you to use native offline Text-To-Speech (TTS) on Windows / Windows VR and mobile Android / iOS.
- VisGM – Deathmatch – A Multiplayer Game Framework in Blueprints .. VisGM is a growing framework for creating multiplayer games in Unreal Engine 4. It provides 200+ functions, 30+ macros, expansive systems, and a structure that makes developing multiplayer games faster.
- Visual Novel Template in Blueprints .. With Visual Novel Template you can make your story come to life! Scripting is done easily in Unreal Engine and can be played out of the box once you add your character and scripts.
- VivoxCore in Code Plugins .. Use Vivox Voice Chat service in UE4
- Voice Chat System in Blueprints .. This asset add a networked voice chat to your game, using only blueprints. This VoIP is easy to use and ready to be integrated into your game.
- VoiceAttack Plugin in Code Plugins .. The VoiceAttack plugin for Unreal Engine provides integration between the popular voice recognition software “VoiceAttack” and Unreal Engine.
- VoiceBuilder in Blueprints .. VoiceBuilder lets you easily string together words to create sentences that are spoken in a synthetic voice.
- Weapon System Pro in Blueprints .. Unlimited weapon quantity, easy setup, first person and third person, features for adding animation for each weapon, easy change of values.
- Yandex Speech Kit in Code Plugins .. Yandex speech api integration
- Yellow Subs Machine in Blueprints .. Yellow Subs Machine is the best researched and most customisable subtitles solution available for Unreal Engine 4.
- Ynnk Voice Lipsync in Code Plugins .. Create lip-sync animation from audio