Are there any tools used to discover Context Semantics in natural language processing?
It seems “Context Semantics” is related to “Natural Language Semantics”, and both serve Computational semantics. Discourse representation theory, based on “Discourse Representation Structures”, is apparently one tried approach to computational semantics. I have located a number of tools used with “Discourse Representation Structures”:
- ACE-in-GF .. Attempto Controlled English in Grammatical Framework
- Boxer .. input CCG derivations and produce Discourse Representation Structures
- FOX .. a framework for RDF extraction from text based on Ensemble Learning
- FRED .. machine reader for the Semantic Web, able to parse natural language text and transform it to linked data
- NaiveSumm .. uses the frequencies of words in the document in order to calculate and extract the sentences
- PDRT Sandbox .. an implementation of the formal framework of Projective Discourse Representation Theory
For details, see my quick and dirty webpage: