Is there any natural language processing bot available for summarizing narrative?
It seems what you are really asking about is Automatic summarization. However, the technology for narrative creation would be related to the technology for narrative summarization, in terms of construction and de-construction. And, there is a good bit of research available on technology for narrative creation, or construction, aka Digital storytelling. There is even an International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling.
To get an idea about what technology is available, take a look at these examples:
See my Quora answers to:
- Are there any examples of websites which generate their content with bots or artificial intelligence and are not accepted as spam by Google?
- What is automated journalism, and what companies other than Narrative Science are working on it?
- What kind of publications are helpful in developing auto generating romance software?
- How long until AI becomes advanced enough to understand stories?
See also my quick and dirty webpages:
- Computational Narrative 2015 |
- Digital Narrative & Natural Language 2015 |
- Interactive Narrative & Natural Language 2015 |
- Narrative Generation 2015 |