- topics/chat-gpt .. chat-gpt
- topics/chat-gpt-3 .. chat-gpt-3
- topics/chat-gpt-4 .. chat-gpt-4
- topics/chatgpt-api .. chatgpt-api
- topics/chatgpt-prompts .. chatgpt-prompts
- topics/dall-e .. dall-e
- topics/davinci-003 .. davinci-003
- topics/gpt .. gpt
- topics/gpt-3 .. gpt-3
- topics/gpt-3-5-turbo .. gpt-3-5-turbo
- topics/gpt-3-prompts .. gpt-3-prompts
- topics/gpt-35 .. gpt-35
- topics/gpt-35-turbo .. gpt-35-turbo
- topics/gpt-35-turbo-0301 .. gpt-35-turbo-0301
- topics/gpt-4 .. gpt-4
- topics/gpt-api .. gpt-api
- topics/gpt3 .. gpt3
- topics/gpt4 .. gpt4
- topics/openai .. openai
- topics/openai-api .. openai-api
- topics/whisper-ai .. whisper-ai
See also:
100 Best ChatGPT Avatar Videos | 100 Best GPT-3 Chatbot Apps (Android) | 100 Best GPT-3 Non-Player Character Videos | 100 Best OpenAI GPT-3 Videos | 100 Best GitHub: ChatGPT | 100 Best GitHub: ChatGPT API | 100 Best GitHub: GPT-3
- 0xk1h0/chatgpt_dan .. chatgpt dan, jailbreaks prompt
- 0xmmo/codemancer .. coding superpowers with gpt-4 in your command line.
- 360macky/twitter_bot .. ? bot for twitter powered with tweepy and gpt-4 ?
- aamir-sidd/gpt-4 .. brief introduction about gpt-4
- acheong08/chatgpt .. reverse engineered chatgpt api
- adri6336/gpt-voice-conversation-chatbot .. allows you to have an engaging and safely emotive spoken / cli conversation with the ai chatgpt / gpt-4 while giving you the option to let it remember things discussed.
- afonso07/remindmegpt .. a gpt-4 reminder app poc
- ai-genie/chatgpt-vscode .. your best ai pair programmer in vs code
- alexrudall/ruby-openai .. openai api + ruby! now with chatgpt and whisper…
- anatolybazarov/bash-gpt .. bash-gpt is a bash extension that turns a natural language command into an actual command using a keyboard shortcut
- andreyvit/aidev .. ask gpt-4 to modify an entire folder full of files
- anysphere/gpt-4-for-code .. some examples of gpt-4 for code!
- appleboy/codegpt .. a cli written in go language that writes git commit messages or do a code review brief for you using chatgpt ai (gpt-4, gpt-3.5-turbo model) and automatically installs a git prepare-commit-msg hook.
- ayaka14732/chatgptapifree .. a simple and open-source proxy api that allows you to access openai’s chatgpt api for free!
- betalgo/openai .. openai chatgpt, whisper, gpt-3 , gpt-4, azure openai and dall-e dotnet sdk
- bin-huang/chatbox .. a desktop app for chatgpt api (openai api) that supports windows, mac & linux
- biobootloader/wolverine .. github – biobootloader/wolverine
- biscxit/wumpus-gpt .. chatgpt-like discord chatbot written in typescript and powered by openai’s `gpt-4` and `gpt-3.5-turbo` language models.
- bitswired/fuseai .. self-hosted and open-source web app to interact with openai apis. currently supports chatgpt, but dalle and whisper support is coming.
- bloopai/bloop .. bloop is a fast code search engine written in rust.
- carbocation/jinglebells .. gpt-4 plays jingle bells in a platform-agnostic way via golang
- chaosprint/glicol .. graph-oriented live coding language and music/audio dsp library written in rust
- chathub-dev/chathub .. all-in-one chatbot client
- christophebe/julius-gpt .. generate and publish your content from the command line with the help of ai (gpt) ?
- community/community .. github mobile, github discussions, github codespaces, github sponsors, github issues and more!
- context-labs/autodoc .. experimental toolkit for auto-generating codebase documentation using llms
- cristivlad25/gpt-cli .. access gpt3, chatgpt, and gpt4 straight from your terminal
- cvlab-columbia/viper .. visual inference via python execution for reasoning”
- daan-dj/turbogpt .. a python based wrapper for gpt-4 & gpt-3.5 plus.
- ddiu8081/chatgpt-demo .. a demo repo based on openai api.
- denis2054/transformers-for-nlp-2nd-edition .. under the hood working of transformers, fine-tuning gpt-3 models, deberta, hugging face, openai chatgpt, gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4, trax, allenlp, vit, clip, dall-e
- di-sukharev/ai-tdd .. cli for tdd — you write the test, gpt4 writes the code to pass it ?
- di-sukharev/opencommit .. gpt cli to auto-generate impressive commits in 1 second
- dtinth/threadgpt .. alternative frontend to chatgpt (gpt-3.5-turbo / gpt-4) with a thread-based interface
- egeucak/api-doc-gpt .. chatgpt for openapi
- enricoros/nextjs-chatgpt-app .. ? responsive chat application powered by openai’s gpt-4, with response streaming, code highlighting, various presets for developers. using next.js, react, joy.
- ershovio/awesome_llm .. awesome llm is a collection of companies, products, and github repos that use large language models such as gpt-4
- evilpan/gptcli .. chatgpt in command line with open api (gpt-3.5/gpt-4)
- explore .. explore github · github
- ezzcodeezzlife/filegpt .. filegpt is a powerful and easy-to-use cli tool that allows you to interact with the openai gpt-4 & gpt-3.5 model to get code completion suggestions and apply the instructions to your code directly.
- facebookresearch/llama .. inference code for llama models
- fafrd/aquarium .. ai-controlled linux containers
- fayez-nazzal/testgpt .. automatically generate unit tests for your files using openai gpt model (gpt-4, gpt-3.5-turbo, etc.)
- features/preview/copilot-x .. introducing github copilot x · github
- felix-zaslavskiy/large-language-model-chats .. chats recorded by using large language models
- forrestchang/gptlang .. a new programming language implemented by gpt-4.
- fredliubojin/langchain_gradio .. chatbot with gpt-4-powered convos & google-powered real-time search
- freegroup/gpt-4-gamer-creator .. step-by-step tutorial how to create a simple game with chat gtp-4
- gabewil/website-blacklist-made-by-gpt-4 .. chrome extension that blocks specified websites during a specified time range. made completely by chatgpt gpt-4.
- gd3kr/blendergpt .. use commands in english to control blender with openai’s gpt-4
- gencay/vscode-chatgpt .. an unofficial visual studio code – openai chatgpt integration
- getcursor/cursor .. an editor made for programming with ai ?
- giosilvi/gpt-prompter .. browser extension to get a fast prompt (of the selected text) for openai`s gpt-3, gpt-4 & chatgpt api . available in the chrome web store and firefox browser add-ons
- gorvgoyl/chatgpt-writer .. free chrome extension that uses chatgpt ai to generate entire emails or replies based on a few keywords that you input.
- gptgenius/chatgpt-vercel .. powered by openai api gpt-4/3.5 and vercel, support muti text conversations/prompts preset/image generation
- hannibal046/awesome-llm .. a curated list of large language model
- hanyuancheung/gpt-go .. openai chatgpt/gpt-4/gpt-3 sdk go client to interact with the gpt-4/gpt-3 apis.
- hazemabdelkawy/qurangpt .. quran gpt is a project that leverages the power of the gpt-4 language model to generate meaningful embeddings for quran verses. this project not only generates embeddings for the verses but also visualizes the distribution of these embeddings using t-sne in a 3d scatter plot.
- helixform/codecursor .. an extension for using cursor in visual studio code.
- hermanye996/gpt4_ros2 .. ros2 wrapper examples for gpt-4 and chatgpt
- hillis/gpt-4-chat-ui .. this project is a simple react-based chat interface that uses next.js and communicates with openai’s gpt-4 (or gpt-3.5-turbo) language model to generate responses.
- huggingface/transformers .. state-of-the-art machine learning for pytorch, tensorflow, and jax.
- hwchase17/langchain .. ? building applications with llms through composability ?
- jasonborn0/gpt4-rssreader .. an rss feed chrome extension written 100% by gpt-4
- jbrukh/gpt4-spanish .. a gpt-4 prompt that helps you learn spanish.
- jerryjliu/llama_index .. llamaindex (gpt index) is a project that provides a central interface to connect your llm’s with external data.
- jf3tt/chatgpt-telegram-bot .. python telegram bot, which utilizes the openai api for implementing gpt-4 and speech-to-text functionality. the bot handles text and voice input from users, transcribes voice input to text, and generates responses using gpt-4
- jiggy-ai/pair .. repl environment for gpt pair programming
- jmpaz/promptlib .. a collection of prompts for use with gpt-4 via chatgpt, openai api w/ gradio frontend & notebook
- jonathan-roberts1/awesome-gpt-4 .. github – jonathan-roberts1/awesome-gpt-4
- josstorer/chatgptbox .. integrating chatgpt into your browser deeply, everything you need is here
- jtmuller5/the-hustlegpt-challenge .. building startups with an ai co-founder
- junyu-w/gptc .. supercharge your cli with the power of openai’s gpt model (and other models too!)
- kalaspuff/iwanna .. ? cli tool that leverages the power of openai’s gpt-4 model to help you find the right shell command to perform a specific action. with iwanna, you can get suggestions for shell commands to achieve your desired tasks, making your life easier and more efficient.
- karfly/chatgpt_telegram_bot .. github – karfly/chatgpt_telegram_bot
- kharvd/gpt-cli .. command-line interface for chatgpt
- kiraqjx/distributed-society .. a comparative study of decentralized organization and evolution.
- koizachek/visionarymachine .. future scenario generators, based on gpt-4, gpt-3.5 text-davinci-003 and gpt-3 davinci, fine-tuned with human-made scenarios.
- krazt/chatbot .. a work-in-progress whatsapp chatbot that uses openai’s gpt-4 and whisper.
- lablab-ai .. · github twitter
- lastmile-ai/llama-retrieval-plugin .. llama retrieval plugin script using openai’s retrieval plugin
- lencx/chatgpt .. ? chatgpt desktop application (mac, windows and linux)
- lianjiatech/belle .. be large language model engine
- lifte-h2/gptbot .. a fully serverless (aws lambda, api gateway, dynamodb) slack bot with gpt-4 support and full conversation mode
- localjo/calendarmapapp .. github – localjo/calendarmapapp
- lwneal/gpt-pong .. pong game written entirely by gpt-4 using gptswe
- lwneal/gptrepo .. `gptswe` is a command-line tool to write software with the help of ai
- lwneal/gptswe .. the gpt software engineer command-line tool
- m1guelpf/browser-agent .. a browser ai agent, using gpt-4
- magnusrodseth/gpt-feeder .. ? a command-line application that scans the entire codebase, and produces one string consisting of all filenames and file contents that you want included.
- mayooear/gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain .. gpt4 & langchain chatbot for large pdf docs
- mccaffary/chatgpt-project-euler .. exploration of the performance of gpt-4 and chatgpt (openai) on the project euler problems
- mccaffary/gpt-4-chatgpt-project-euler .. exploration of the performance of gpt-4 and chatgpt (openai) on the project euler problems
- mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui .. an open source chatgpt ui.
- microsoft/visual-chatgpt .. talking, drawing and editing with visual foundation models
- microsoftdocs/azure-docs .. open source documentation of microsoft azure
- micuks/chatgpt-yunzai .. chatgpt plugin for yunzai bot. chat with gpt-4, gpt-3.5 and chatgpt via yunzai in qq!
- minosvasilias/gpt-manifold .. an assistant for betting on prediction markets on, utilizing openai’s gpt apis.
- mkdev-me/voice-to-gpt .. voice recorded with whisper library to ask gpt api what you need and will speak to you
- mkdev-me/voice-to-gpt-with-api .. voice recorded with whisper library to ask gpt api what you need and will speak to you with whisper api
- mmabrouk/chatgpt-wrapper .. api for interacting with chatgpt and gpt4 using python and from shell.
- moeakwak/chatgpt-web-share .. a web application that allows multiple users to share one chatgpt account at the same time, developed using unofficial chatgpt api & fastapi & vue3. supports gpt-4!
- motifland/markprompt .. open-source gpt-4 platform for markdown, markdoc and mdx with built-in analytics
- mpoon/gpt-repository-loader .. convert code repos into an llm prompt-friendly format. mostly built by gpt-4.
- n3d1117/chatgpt-telegram-bot .. ? a telegram bot that integrates with openai’s official chatgpt apis to provide answers, written in python
- neilellis/coding-with-gpt-4 .. github – neilellis/coding-with-gpt-4
- openai-php/client .. openai php is a supercharged community-maintained php api client that allows you to interact with openai api.
- openai/chatgpt-retrieval-plugin .. the chatgpt retrieval plugin lets you easily search and find personal or work documents by asking questions in everyday language.
- openai/evals .. evals is a framework for evaluating openai models and an open-source registry of benchmarks.
- openai/openai-cookbook .. examples and guides for using the openai api
- openai/tiktoken .. tiktoken is a fast bpe tokeniser for use with openai’s models.
- openmindclub/awesome-chatgpt .. ? everything about chatgpt
- orgs/community .. github community · github twitter
- p36-io/cap-ui5-gpt-chat .. a chatgpt-like chat app built with sap cap and sapui5
- pandodao/botastic .. an ai framework for building cool things.
- phat3/llm-repl .. a repl interface to interact with various llms like chatgpt etc.
- picsart/gpt3-wordpress-plugin .. github – picsart/gpt4-wordpress-plugin
- pinecone-io/examples .. github – pinecone-io/examples
- radi-cho/awesome-gpt4 .. a curated list of prompts, tools, and resources regarding the gpt-4 language model.
- refcell/run-wild .. augment gpt-4 environment access
- reorx/ .. a single-file python script that interacts with chatgpt api in the command-line.
- riverscuomo/social .. a python package that uses gpt-4 to generate and post a response to a social media mention.
- sampink/dev-gpt .. dev-gpt, an automated python developer
- saschaschramm/chatgpt .. analysis of openai’s chatgpt
- sashabaranov/go-openai .. openai chatgpt, gpt-3, gpt-4, dall·e, whisper api wrapper for go
- second-state/chat-with-chatgpt .. chat with chatgpt via github issue comments.
- shawwn/gpt4 .. playground for gpt-4
- shipbit/slickgpt .. slickgpt is a light-weight “use-your-own-api-key” web client for the openai api written in svelte. it offers gpt-4 integration, a userless share feature and other superpowers.
- sigoden/aichat .. using chatgpt/gpt-3.5/gpt-4 in the terminal.
- stefanopochet/chat-gpt-4-bing-ai-api .. chatgpt 4 bing ai chat api
- stephanj/scheduling-using-gpt4 .. conference scheduling using gpt-4
- taranjeet/awesome-gpt4 .. github – taranjeet/awesome-gpt4
- tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca .. code and documentation to train stanford’s alpaca models, and generate the data.
- tavernai/tavernai .. atmospheric adventure chat for ai language models (koboldai, novelai, pygmalion, openai chatgpt, gpt-4)
- taxyai/browser-extension .. automate your browser with gpt-4
- techiral/gpt-jailbreak .. this repository contains the jailbreaking process for gpt-3, gpt-4, gpt-3.5, chatgpt, and chatgpt plus. by following the instructions in this repository, you will be able to gain access to the inner workings of these language models and modify them to your liking.
- tectalichq/public-openai-client-php .. openai api client for php. includes all endpoints and models (dtos) for all requests and responses.
- tenetlang/tenetlang .. a gpt-designed language built for humans
- terminalcommandnewsletter/everything-chatgpt .. explore what happens under the hood with the chatgpt web app. and some speculation, of course.
- tg12/gpt_jailbreak_status .. this is a repository that aims to provide updates on the status of jailbreaking the openai gpt language model.
- theokanning/openai-java .. openai gpt-3 api client in java
- tmgthb/stream-responses .. how to stream gpt-4, chatgpt & gpt-3.5 model responses (gpt-4, gpt-3.5-turbo & text-davinci-003)?
- traghav/auto-redteam .. redteaming llms using other llms
- transitive-bullshit/chatgpt-api .. node.js client for the official chatgpt api. ?
- tree-ind/blender-gpt .. an all-in-one blender assistant powered by gpt3/4 + whisper integration
- ultralytics/ultralytics .. new – yolov8 ? in pytorch > onnx > coreml > tflite
- vibovenkat123/review-gpt .. an automatic code review tool that uses gpt-3, gpt-3.5, and gpt-4
- victorb/metamorph .. self-editing gpt-4 application
- waylaidwanderer/node-chatgpt-api .. a client implementation for chatgpt and bing ai. available as a node.js module, rest api server, and cli app.
- wong2/chatgpt-google-extension .. a browser extension that enhance search engines with chatgpt
- wongsaang/chatgpt-ui .. a chatgpt web client that supports multiple users, multiple database connections for persistent data storage, supports i18n. provides docker images and quick deployment scripts.
- wunderwuzzi23/yolo-ai-cmdbot .. ai bot that translates your question to a command and executes it yolo style
- yetone/openai-translator .. browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on chatgpt api.
- yue-yang/chatgpt-siri .. shortcuts for siri using chatgpt api gpt-3.5-turbo & gpt-4 model, supports continuous conversations, configure the api key & save chat records. ? chatgpt api gpt-3.5-turbo & gpt-4
- zero6992/chatgpt-discord-bot .. integrate chatgpt into your own discord bot
- zurawiki/tiktoken-rs .. ready-made tokenizer library for working with gpt and tiktoken