**Sensorium Galaxy**, a leading entertainment metaverse, has unveiled the third episode of its metaverse streaming series, Mona Lisa: Metaverse Renaissance. This new format features an AI-driven avatar of Mona Lisa, who performs electronic music DJ sets in Sensorium’s metaverse. This follows the release of the Salvador Dali Experience, where users could engage in deep conversations with an AI-based representation of the famous artist. The Mona Lisa avatar not only boasts AI-powered conversational abilities, but also extends her metaverse presence through music and virtual shows. The performances will take place in Starship, Sensorium Galaxy’s newest hub, highlighting the platform’s commitment to blending art, music, cultural heritage, and AI to create unique experiences. The DJ sets will be available via Sensorium’s 24/7 streaming channel and official YouTube channel, and plans are underway to make the streams accessible through the Sensorium mobile app.