Unity AR Foundation is a software development kit (SDK) for creating augmented reality (AR) applications using the Unity game engine. It provides a set of tools, components, and APIs for building AR applications that can run on a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and AR headsets.
AR Foundation is part of the larger Unity platform, which is a popular game engine and development environment used by many game developers and other creators to build interactive, 3D applications. AR Foundation provides a set of tools and APIs that are specifically designed for building AR applications, including support for ARCore (for Android) and ARKit (for iOS), as well as cross-platform APIs for tracking and rendering 3D objects and scenes in the real world.
AR Foundation is used by developers to build a variety of AR applications, such as games, utilities, education, and entertainment. It allows developers to easily create and deploy AR experiences that can run on a wide range of devices, without the need to write platform-specific code or use multiple development environments. It also provides access to a range of features and capabilities that are specific to AR, such as spatial mapping, plane detection, and image recognition. Overall, AR Foundation is a powerful and versatile tool for building AR applications using the Unity platform.
See also:
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- Unity Hub – Instalación Android, Vuforia, AR Foundation
- Cross-Platform AR in Unity! – AR Foundation Overview
- Unity AR Foundation Place Object
- Unity AR Foundation Detect Plane
- Unity AR Foundation Build
- Unity AR Foundation Setup
- Achieving high-fidelity AR with the Lightweight Render Pipeline – Unity at GDC 2019
- Tackle AR development with AR Foundation | Unity at GDC 2019 Keynote
- Unity AR Foundation – Blending digital objects with your environment
- ARFoundation and Object Detection in Unity
- AR Foundation: aula 8
- AR Foundation: aula 1
- AR Foundation: aula 5
- AR Foundation: aula 7
- AR Foundation: aula 9
- AR Foundation: aula 2
- AR Foundation: aula 11
- AR Foundation: aula 6
- AR Foundation: aula 3
- AR Foundation: aula 12 – AR Remote Tool
- AR Foundation: aula 4
- AR Foundation: aula 10
- Unity AR+GPS Location v2.0 – Basic AR Foundation Scene
- AR Foundation | Realidad Aumentada de Unity
- ARFoundation: Beyond the Basics
- Augmented Reality Game made with Unity3D (ARFoundation, ARKit, ARCore)
- ARFoundation Changing Plane Material
- Guzarish A R Foundation
- Build Location Based ARKit/ARCore apps with AR Foundation
- Your First Hello AR Foundation App
- Introduction to AR Foundation
- ARFoundation Remote Device testing built into unity!
- Getting Started With ARFoundation in Unity (ARKit, ARCore)
- An Intro to AR Foundation or How I Made an AR Game In 11 days – Luke Harris
- ARFoundation Beyond the Basics – John Sietsma
- “Life’s Embrace” Unity AR Foundation with Lightweight Render Pipeline
- Unity ARFoundation : Shadows Transparent Material
- Get off to a great start with handheld AR – Unite LA
- Rendering techniques for augmented reality and a look ahead at AR foundation – Unite LA
- ARfoundation basics – Bolt Tutorial
- Scaling Tutorial with AR Foundation and unity
- ARFoundation from scratch in less than 10mins!
- Create ARFoundation app & TEMPLATE for AR Photo app. : Developing our test environment
- Getting the correct version of Unity and ARFoundation
- ARFoundation Overview In Depth – Part 1
- ARFoundation Experiment #1
- ARFoundation BlackScreen Bug Unity
- AR Foundation
- EXCLUSIVE PROMO VIDEO : Unity AR Tutorial Course with ARFoundation (ARCore and ARKit)
- Unity Developer Meetup Melbourne #1: Intro to AR Foundation
- Unity ARCore & ARKit Auto Place GameObject Tutorial PART 3
- Unity ARCORE & ARKIT NEW 2018.2 ARFoundations tutorial PART 1
- AR Foundation Experiments – Unity Hackweek 2018