The domain of avatar generation and management encompasses the comprehensive range of tools, technologies, and methodologies tailored for creating, customizing, and integrating digital avatars. Within this sphere, there’s a significant focus on diverse platforms, from web applications using frameworks like React to mobile and desktop platforms, and extending to more niche environments like WordPress plugins and Discord bots. The field not only caters to the aesthetic and unique representation of users through avatars, often based on specific characteristics like initials or unique user attributes but also considers seamless integration into various digital interfaces, ensuring enhanced user experience and engagement.
See also:
100 Best AI Avatar Apps (Android) | 100 Best AI Avatar Videos | 100 Best Avatar Apps (Android) | 100 Best Avatar Speech Synthesis Videos | 100 Best Avatar System Videos | 100 Best Avatars SDK Videos | 100 Best ChatGPT Avatar Videos | 100 Best Fiverr Avatar Videos | 100 Best Genies Avatar Videos | 100 Best Mesh Avatar Videos | 100 Best MMD Avatar Videos | 100 Best Oculus Avatar Videos | 100 Best OpenSim Avatar Videos | 100 Best SecondLife Avatar Videos | 100 Best Talking Avatar Videos | 100 Best Unity3d Avatar Videos | 100 Best VRChat Avatar Videos | 100 Best VRoid Avatar Videos | 100 Best XNALara Avatar Videos | Avatar Systems Meta Guide | Avatars & Therapy | Facebook Codec Avatars | Microsoft Rocketbox Avatar Library | Neural Language Model & Avatars | PIAVCA (Platform Independent API for Virtual Characters and Avatars) | WebXR & Avatars
- 1j01/natter .. a chat app (not in active development)
- 1ucky40nc3/trex .. technology for reliable extensive chatbot systems
- 1xn/wp-avatar-filter .. automatically replaces wordpress user avatars with custom images based on username. it searches the gallery for username.jpg and replaces the avatar.
- 2000prath/embodier .. this is the python pypi library which will help you to generate dynamic profile images. (eg. most of the morden applications generates profile image for newly registered users)
- 4techguns/basicavatargenerator .. a basic image generator that lets you create avatars with ease.
- 5mode/avatarfree .. let everyone own its social presence (on premise) – php: <=8.1, gpl
- a973c/cmavatar .. user profile plugin for supporting avatar field in joomla! user profile
- aakashjhawar/avatargan .. generate cartoon images using generative adversarial network
- aarohmankad/identicon-api .. a simple api to retrieve svg identicons
- abhinandpn/avatar .. avatar clone website
- abhishekrawat22/profile-card .. a profile card with better animation.
- abrahimzaman360/avatarviewer .. avatarfun – a digital avatar creator and viewer using readplayerme api
- acpear/github-avatar-generator .. simple tools generate avatars of github style.
- adapdr/friendlyfaces .. personal avatar library
- adynemo/memberlistavatar .. phpbb memberlistavatar extension
- ae0000/avatar .. create square avatars with initials
- afeiship/next-random-avatar .. random avatar api.
- afeiship/react-avatar .. avatar for react.
- afeiship/wsui-popular-list .. popular list for wsui.
- afkbrb/github-avatar-generator .. generate github-style avatar with java awt
- agateau/cat-avatar-generator-app .. an android app to generate cute cat avatars
- ahmeterdgn/awesomeavatar .. basic awesome avatar for flutter
- aidewoode/vue-letter-avatar .. a simple and elegant letter avatar component for vue.js
- airblader/ionic-text-avatar .. material design text avatar for ionic’s ion-avatar
- aitorrodriguez990/ng-default-avatar .. angularjs directive to set a default avatar with initials if user has not avatar image
- ajhenry/prettyavatars .. a collection of pretty default avatars to use in your next project
- ajsoriar/react-string-avatar .. react-string-avatar is a simple react.js component that generates a letter’s avatar like microsoft or google do in their web apps.
- akinmustafa/svelte-avatars .. a tiny and customizable avatar component.
- akopdev/ng-person .. a universal avatar component for angular 2+ applications that generates truly unique colored letter avatar based on provided name.
- aladhims/react-avatar-uploader .. a react component for uploading avatar to the server
- aleksandr-vin/jira-board-hot-menu .. jira board hot menu
- alex-melnyk/flutter_advanced_avatar ..
- alexgustafsson/threes .. easily create avatars from a username – avatar as a service
- allebb/gravel .. a php library enabling developers to easily access, display and manipulate user avatars in their applications.
- allsoft777/simpleavatarpicker .. super simple library to pick an image from the gallery or camera application.
- alpha-doradus/vedar-face-avatar .. face tracking y reacciones de avatar a partir de gestos
- alvince/avatarimageview .. android custom imageview for avatar
- amba-fr/import-buddypress-avatar .. import buddypress avatar
- ameerthehacker/better-default-avatar .. generate avatars with first letter of user’s first and last name
- amuzil/lwst .. a discord bot for the avatar minecraft mod server
- anaselkalla/text-avatar .. make image with only words / letters / numbers / signs … html&css only
- andresmichel/react-native-avatar-ui .. react native avatar component
- andrewalderson/angular-material-avatar .. a sample of an avatar component for angualr material
- andreypotkas/nest.js-upload_files .. nest.js upload files with postgres database (sequelize orm).
- andriyor/smartavatar .. smartavatar
- andriyor/smartavatarpy .. smartavatarpy
- andronics/avatars .. andronics avatars
- antnbaranov/avatar .. gems are cool, but not always!
- anywhere3d/animator2 .. animator editor 2
- anywhere3d/animator3 .. animator editor 3
- anywhere3d/poser .. poser
- aofei/cameron .. an avatar generator for go.
- apihutco/server .. a small and beautiful api aggregation center
- appbak3r/sushi-identicon .. yet another tiny identicon library. get unique identicon as svg
- aqiongbei/chromium_avatar .. chromium origami style user avatar
- arcanedev/gravatar .. gravatar helper & generator (laravel supported)
- ardyfeb/identicon-worker .. simple api to generate identicon
- arielhr1987/leira-avatar .. wordpress plugin to edit your profile picture directly in either the frontend and backend of your website.
- arnaudligny/shavatar .. self-hosted avatar proposal + server implementation.
- arnavk-09/avatararchives .. collection of super-cool profile pictures…for you!
- arokettu/monsterid .. monsterid adaptation for composer and modern php versions
- arunshekher/navatar .. an e107 plugin that generates user avatar from user initials.
- arvenwood/bending .. the last airbender in minecraft, on sponge.
- asarandi/identicon .. github identicons
- ashishk1331/emojitar .. an avatar libraray for your next react project.
- astrotomic/laravel-unavatar .. this package provides a laravel wrapper for unavatar.
- astrotomic/php-unavatar .. this package provides a php oop builder for unavatar.
- atefbb/hide-skype-avatars .. hide avatars in new skype web app
- atlas7005/steamavatars .. a basic website made with the purpose of collecting steam users’ avatars (anonymously).
- atlasfoundation/near-open-character-creator .. character creator for near
- aubreypwd/papyrus .. when you type `papyrus` anywhere (in wordpress), you will see it!
- avamoe/ .. avamoe, a moe avatar
- avamoe/avalive .. a avatar role-playing software developed for vtuber, vuper, anchor, video animator, etc.
- avatarverse/avatarversalis .. avatarversalis is a modern minecraft bending plugin still in development.
- avatarzz/avatarzz .. isima first year project by bbs007 and begarco about real-time 3d avatar control through ms kinect (1 & 2)
- avdosev/github_avatars_generator .. generator github avatars
- aveek-saha/hastyheroes .. an endless 2d jumping game made with phaser and electron, select a avatar and start playing
- axieum/avatar-initials-py .. generate simple and unique avatars using a person’s initials
- aybri/figura-gaster .. a w.d. gaster avatar for figura.
- aybri/figura-nextbot .. a nextbot avatar for figura.
- azate/telegram-profileless .. this utility allows you to update your profile information, photo, name, surname at a specified interval.
- aztlon/jedcore .. jedcore addon for projectkorra
- aztlon/pk-tutorial .. example projectkorra addon abilities with extensive documentation
- baraja-core/gravatar .. simple php api provider for getting user gravatar and user description.
- bartaxyz/blockatars .. react library for generating unique & beautiful visual hashes.
- baseplate-admin/libravatar-py .. friendly fork of pylibravatar for async support.
- beam-australia/mui-tus-avatar .. material-ui avatar component. uploadable and croppable via tus.
- belminksy/avatar .. this is programmer art
- bendercraft/spigot-bending .. minecraft plugin that allows players to bend elements as in the series
- benjaminfourmaux/react-native-avatar .. an avatar component for react native
- benjaminsimier/bob .. github – benjaminsimier/bob
- beyonk-group/initials-avatar .. create avatars from user initials in pure javascript
- billdybas/gifatar .. a twitter bot for slow gif avatars
- bimohxh/uiset .. :fire:collect free high-quality ui resources.
- bj-jrxj/avatarcloud_android .. cloud avatar android sdk
- bkevelham/unity-avatar-generation .. a minimal example of how to use unity’s avatarbuilder.buildhumanavatar api.
- blackboxo/randomcuteavatar .. one line of code to access random user avatars for your app
- blackstorm/web3-avatar .. web 3.0 avatar
- bluesofy/avatarview .. multiple avatar shown view
- bntzio/avataaars-api .. an api for avataaars
- boringdesigners/boring-avatars .. boring avatars is a tiny javascript react library that generates custom, svg-based avatars from any username and color palette.
- boytchev/platons .. combinations of platonic solids
- brandonsueur/react-avatar-initials .. generate avatars with initials from names!
- breithbarbot/cropper-bundle .. simple cropping tool for symfony
- brucewar/avatar-upload .. Imitation of zhihu avatar upload function
- brunocarvalhodearaujo/react-initial .. react component to make gmail like text avatars for profile pictures
- bsoyka/gravify .. a simple python package to generate a gravatar url
- buildbreakdo/giticon .. github style svg identicons / user avatars
- bukinoshita/hash-avatar .. hash avatar algorithm
- bukinoshita/react-hash-avatar .. react hash avatar algorithm
- bumcone/atla-computer .. mpf powered computer driving atla pinball
- bumcone/avatar-pinball .. avatar – the last airbender (atla) – the pinball machine
- bunto/bunto-avatar .. a bunto plugin for rendering github avatars.
- byteslicer/vue-random-avatar .. offline random avatar generation using name seeded random
- camelmasa/animal-identicon-js .. javascript library for generating animal identicon
- camelmasa/animal-identicon-rb .. rubygem for generating animal identicon
- cantido/ex_libra .. a libravatar client for elixir
- captainayan/pixel-profile-pic .. github like pixel profile picture generator
- cbolson/linked-avatars .. responsive linked avatars
- ccuffs/id-uffs-avatar .. sistema web similiar ao gravatar para facilitar a disponibilização de imagens de perfil vinculadas ao iduffs.
- cesaramirez/laravel-avatar .. let’s build an avatar upload component with reusable upload functionality via a mixin. we’ll also look at image processing, database schema recommendations, and security considerations.
- chapelr/noble-avatar-js .. an avatar generator for the sugarcube 2 format of twine.
- charlyx/avatars-io .. wanna get a social media avatar? avatars-io makes it easy for you. just give a username then get an avatar!
- chaseweaver/ichicode .. ichicode is a multi-purpose mod / stat / fun / music / shitposting discord bot!
- cheeze2000/cat-avatar-generator .. a free and open-source api to generate cat avatars
- chigirits/blendshapecombiner .. a unity editor extension that adds a new shape key that combines multiple blend shapes and saves it as a new mesh.
- chigirits/meshholeshrinker .. a unity editor extension that adds a shape key to shrink holes in a mesh and saves it as a new mesh.
- chijete/crafyavatars .. generador de avatares de crafy holding. variación de multiavatar. capaz de generar actualmente 15.149.826.048 avatares únicos.
- chingu-voyage3/geckos-23 .. this is a quiz generator web app that we will be building using the mern stack
- chjw8016/weixin_avatar .. use itchat to get wechat friend avatar puzzle
- chquanquan/avatarview .. simple to use, comprehensive functions, highly customized avatar plug-in
- christophertrimboli/react-vrm .. react-three-fiber vrm implementation.
- chsword/random-avatar .. random avatar service for .net 4.5
- cibit-uc/nf-avatar .. matlab code for the neurofeedback avatar interface.
- cierra-runis/based_avatar .. a based widget for building more useful avatar
- cityapper/kinky-hex .. a hexagonal svg template for safe hexing in inkscape, or slide your avatar into and see what happens.
- cjdowner/interfaces .. a diverse set of royalty-free user avatars to be used for marketing graphics and application screenshots.
- claymore1297/gerrit-plugin-avatars-external .. github – claymore1297/gerrit-plugin-avatars-external
- clayrisser/avatar-creator .. creates avatar images for polymer projects.
- clydedz/give-me-an-avatar-npm .. gets a random avatar url from a collection of different avatar generation services.
- clydedz/give-me-an-avatar-nuget .. gets a random avatar url from a collection of different avatar generation services.
- clydedz/robohash-avatars-npm .. generate robot-based avatar images for any text.
- clydedz/uiavatars-npm .. generate avatar images based on user initials
- codel1417/comfort .. comfort objects for vrchat avatars
- codennnn/vue-color-avatar .. an online avatar generator just for fun
- coldfusionx/cve-2019-11447_cutenews-avataruploadrce .. exploit code for cve-2019-11447 aka cutenews 2.1.2 avatar upload rce (authenticated)
- congson99/avatar_brick .. avatar brick is a custom avatar widget that can automatically display your abbreviated name when no avatar is available.
- crafatar/crafatar .. a blazing fast api for minecraft faces
- creativeikep/holisticmotioncapture .. holisticmotioncapture is an application and package that can capture the motion of a person with only a monocular color camera and move the vrm avatar’s pose, face, and hands.
- cristinamateos11/sucrette-generator .. sucrette avatar generator from online game my candy love
- cryptosbyte/simpleavatar .. (incomplete) simple avatar/profile generator (shapes/initials)
- csvwolf/robohash .. node version
- cuinjune/facemaker .. a simple avatar creator
- d3vd/get-avataaar .. api to generate a random avataaar [cors compatible]
- dai-siki/vue-image-crop-upload .. a beautiful vue component for image cropping and uploading.
- danielshervheim/unity-first-person-controller .. a simple and extensible first person controller.
- danielshervheim/webxr-ik-avatar .. an ik avatar controller for webxr and babylonjs.
- dapi-labs/react-nice-avatar .. react library for generating avatar
- darosh/gridy-avatars .. svg avatars generator
- dartiss/custom-user-avatar .. add your own default wordpress avatar.
- dartrax/flarum-wp-avatar-privacy .. integrates avatars cached by the popular avatar privacy plugin for wordpress into flarum
- darylbuckle/react-profile-avatar .. render a user avatar with either initials or an image.
- defucc/gun-avatar .. public key avatar generator for the crypto lib sea from gun – the decentralized graph database of the future
- delait/random-avatar-generator .. github – delait/random-avatar-generator
- derysudrajat/avatar-picker .. show case app for android jetpack draganddrop library
- desoga10/avatar-mean–frontend .. how to deploy a mean stack application using render and netlify
- dev-tanay/among-us .. 2d among us avatar
- devaslanphp/filament-avatar .. a complete and customizable user avatar provider for your filament project, and also for any project using a user model.
- devbanner/devbanner .. create your own devrant banner
- devbanner/devbanner_frontend .. responsive web page for devbanner (web)
- devblin/davatar .. an npm package to generate avatar data-url on both client & server-side, using text.
- devpolant/useravatarview .. github – devpolant/useravatarview
- dicebear/dicebear .. dicebear is an avatar library for designers and developers.
- didimoinc/cli .. command-line interface to interact with didimo api
- didimoinc/didimo-digital-human-unity-sdk .. didimo creates incredible high-fidelity digital humans. simple, fast, high-quality user-generated avatars to integrate into business, apps, and experiences.
- digitalungdom-se/bot-identicon .. bot identicons for digital ungdom
- disintegration/letteravatar .. letter avatar generation for go
- dizballanze/ngx_http_avatars_gen_module .. generating avatars on-the-fly with nginx
- dmester/jdenticon .. javascript library for generating identicons. running in the browser and on node.js.
- dmester/jdenticon-net .. .net library for generating identicons. running on .net core and other .net standard compatible platforms.
- dmester/jdenticon-php .. php library for generating identicons as png and svg.
- dmester/ngx-jdenticon .. angular directives used to generate identicons using jdenticon.
- dog-face-development/pyavatar .. easily display all of your creative avatars to keep them consistent across websites.
- doloresteam/dolores-avatar .. name automatically generates avatar
- domys/components-library .. creating reusable components
- donguyen0311/react-tiny-avatar .. an avatar component for react
- dotstart/identicons .. unique cryptographic avatars for go and friends!
- dpi/avatars .. avatar kit for drupal
- dpi/letter_avatar .. an avatar generator plugin for avatar kit.
- dream2023/vue-image-pro .. an image component for vue.js
- dreygur/messenger-group-avatar .. avatar generator that looks like messenger group chat default avatar
- drhus/awesome-identicons .. a curated list of “visual hashs” (identicon, avatar, fractal, randomart and general hash visualization)
- drkain/fetch-avatar .. an npm package to fetch avatars from a whole bunch of websites
- drl990114/logo-canvas .. quickly generate images from text based on canvas. supports command line interface and in-browser use.
- dsalvagni/react-profile-picture .. react version of dsalvagni/profile-picture
- dvergar/adorable_avatars_flutter .. a flutter project based on the adorable avatars generator
- e-mission/e-mission-phone .. the frontend (phone) code for the e-mission server
- easybase/react-avatar-group .. a responsive avatar group component to display an application’s active users, similar to that of google docs. powered by ui-avatars.
- efremidze/animoji .. animoji generator
- ekaone/avataaars .. simple avataaars with vite
- eldimious/network-avatar-picker .. facebook, instagram, twitter, tumblr, vimeo, github, youtube and gmail
- elonehoo/vue-avatar .. avatar game in vue.js
- elonehoo/vue-avatar-lite .. avatar in vue.js
- eminlin/gorobohash .. project go version
- emtr0/ai-avatar-generator .. based on a buildspace project where i learned about stable diffusion to create a web app where users can generate avatars with my likeness.
- enjeck/blobby .. generative svg blob characters
- enniob/ngx-eb-avatar .. user initials avatar
- enterprise/startups .. build your startup on github · github stripe logo spotify logo coinbase logo etsy logo twilio logo zendesk logo ycombinator logo a16z logo lightspeed venture partners logo sequoia capital logo techstars logo
- eosimperabpi/eosavatarimg .. eosavatarimg is an eos smart contract and a web ui to manage your avatar associated to your eos account. 3rd part dapp can display it if it is present.
- erickduran/roku .. compiler for the roku programming language.
- ess-ka/esskaav3obfuscator .. esska av3obfuscator allows you to obfuscate your vrchat avatar.
- estebanrfp/avatarmaker .. avatar generator developed in pure javascript
- eth-siplab/avatarposer .. articulated full-body pose tracking from sparse motion sensing”
- euandrelucas/tsukibot .. a discord bot made in java
- eve-sama/github-profile-photo-wall .. a tool that cut a image into n*7, you can use these photos decorate your github profile.
- expansemc/bending-api .. an avatar the last airbender in minecraft api, for the spigot platform.
- fabian-tomischka/php-avatar-generator .. create colored avatars with letters in php
- fabsrc/social-avatar-proxy .. proxied avatars from twitter, facebook, tumblr, youtube and instagram.
- facemoji/alter-core .. realtime 3d avatar system and cross-platform rendering engine built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
- facemoji/alter-sdk .. alter sdk lets you easily pipe avatars with motion capture into your game, app, or website. it just works.
- facemoji/mocap4face .. cross-platform sdk for facial motion capture producing blendshapes and rigid head poses in 3d space in realtime from photos or videos.
- faicchia/boring-avatars .. generate boring avatars in php.
- fanathan/angular-dropzone .. an advanced file uploader for angular
- fanegg/uv-volumes .. [cvpr 2023] uv volumes for real-time rendering of editable free-view human performance
- fangpenlin/avataaars .. react component for avataaars
- fangpenlin/avataaars-generator .. simple generator react app for avataaars
- fathymuhamed/react-avatar .. newest modern lightweight avatar generator for react.
- favrora/avatar-maker .. create your own avatar with vue avatar maker app
- faycalki/eahi .. expanded avatar hand interactions in unity for social virtual reality software
- fbfcinc/nft .. fbfc is an nft avatar collectible project based on the smart chain.=fbfc combine nft,ar,avatar as one unit.=full name is frist bit none-fungible coin and also called 1bfc. the first protocol project in the avatar for social networking service through augmented reality technolgoy(ar) and metaverse,even cri.
- features/codespaces .. github codespaces · github
- features/copilot .. github copilot · your ai pair programmer · github typescript go python ruby coca-cola logo coyote logistics logo duolingo logo gm logo mercado libre logo shopify logo stripe logo go ruby javascript java python python python python python python python python javascript python ruby typescript go javascript python ruby typescript javascript python ruby typescript go javascript python ruby typescript go mercado libre logo
- features/discussions .. github discussions · developer collaboration & communication tool · github · github
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- feffi/ansible-macos-avatar .. ansible role to manage personal avatar pictures in macos.
- ferdiunal/ui-avatar .. written in go language inspired by
- ferreiro/avatar-me .. simple node module to retrieves a user avatar from google or gravatar given an email or a user name
- fifteenmania/avataaars2 .. react component for avataaars
- filips123/ethavatar.js .. javascript api for ethavatar (gravatar for ethereum address)
- first-coder/ts3-webinterface .. teamspeak 3 webinterface from
- fivenp/go-identicon .. customizeable identicon generator written in go
- fivenp/serverless-identicon .. a serverless implementation of go-identicon
- fkei/textavatar .. text avatar(one or two word) generation cli, library and web server. (nodejs)
- flessendop/simpletar-issues ..
- flyandnotdown/github-avatar-generator .. a github-style avatar generator, powered by java
- fortelle/hexicon .. a javascript library for generating identicons.
- fouita/svelte-tw-avatar .. svelte + tailwind avatar component
- fourmilab/blobby_man_avatar .. second life virtual world avatar built entirely from sphere primitives, inspired by jim blinn’s “blobby man” humanoid mannequin from 1987.
- fourmilab/pumpkin_head .. pumpkin head for second life virtual world avatars or static decoration
- fpluquet/vue-avatar-editor ..
- fractalsoftware/random-avatar-generator .. a random avatar generator with low collision
- franriadigos/android-circular-progress .. android custom view that loads a circular progress indicator using imageview or framelayout
- frncsdrk/avatar .. self-hosted service for creating random avatars
- frozenprojects/avatar .. the microservice that’s responsible for user avatars (not in use).
- gabrie-allaigre/node-avatar-builder .. avatar builder for nodejs, build multi avatar (cat, github, 8bit, square, identicon, etc) or compose avatar
- gabrieledarrigo/monsterid .. node.js porting of the original php library
- gaetanozappi/react-native-avatar-social .. react native library to generate avatar social.
- gaetanozappi/react-native-photo-status .. react native library to generate photo status.
- galihap76/my-avatar .. avatar profile.
- ganeshsar/unitypythonmediapipeavatar .. creating a multi-threaded full body tracking solution supporting arbitrary humanoid avatars for unity using google mediapipe pose python bindings.
- gertje823/igavatardownloader .. a small python script to download instagram profile pictures in full resolution.
- gfriends/gfriends .. media server actor avatar warehouse
- gigadrive/minecraft-avatar-urls .. easily generate urls to minecraft avatars with the ability to switch between services
- girkovarpa/vpen .. digital pen tracking obs overlay for vtubers.
- gitchaell/ngx-profile-avatar .. interactive 3d avatar profile viewer generated in ready player me
- githubandylee2020/virtual_companion_platform .. a platform where you can create and customize your own virtual companions powered by gpt-4.
- githubpang/githubpang.avatar .. githubpang’s profile picture on github
- granze/identicon-avatar .. github style identicon avatar
- graphieros/avatar-grid .. an svg based pixelart avatar generator (vue3, ts, waveui)
- grim-es/material-combiner-addon .. blender addon for material combining, uv bounds fixing
- grogorick/digitalmirrorchamber .. quest/rift app with your meta avatar
- gtambara/dont-break-the-ice-avatar-game .. a simple console game i made when learning about matrices in my first semester at the university of brasília.
- guillaume-gomez/avatar-generator .. an avatar generator look alike github
- guimeisang/avatar .. avatar cutting, editing and uploading plug-in, image uploading node service
- guthembergchaskoexperiment/threejs-sumerian-host-1 .. following christine morten & team on docs at
- h0rn0chse/guildavatars .. create avatars for your guild. add text to your preset images.
- h33tx/ravatar .. an avatar sharing site written in php featuring a theme- and language-system. blazing-fast and only 4mb small!
- haithemmosbahi/ngx-avatar .. universal avatar component for angular 2+ applications makes it possible to fetch / generate avatar from different sources
- hallway-inc/avatarwebkit .. web-first sdk that provides real-time arkit-compatible 52 blend shapes from a camera feed, video or image at 60 fps using ml models.
- handsomeone/avatargenerator .. put the beauty into your eyes.
- hansv2/beatsaberavatarguide .. from zero to weeb. a guide which teaches you how to go from a rigged model to a usable beat saber avatar.
- haozhang990127/teca .. text-guided generation and editing of compositional 3d avatars
- hardeepsingh980/chat-room-v2.0 .. this is a chat application created using python and socket module. this is the best chat application currently on github made with python. this is a gui application. its gui has been created using the tkinter module. it offers the features like login, register, shows all the users on database, show all the active users, account settings, logout, clear chat, avatars, change username, password or avatar, etc. personally i used mysql for database to keep user data. but because of safety reasons i can not upload that files. so, i created a csv database to publish on github. if you are capable enough you may again change csv to mysql. i hope you will enjoy my application.
- hardeepsingh980/chat-room-v3.0 .. this has features like sending messages, showing all users in database, showing all the active users, working in real-time, responsive, managing account settings, login, logout, register. hope you like the application. please share your feedbacks.
- harshita-bfly/fitcom .. commuting smarter with reduced carbon footprint and better user experience. enriching travel experiences and reducing carbon emissions released from road transportation by gamifying the journey.
- haykam821/haykam-avatar-generator .. a generator for haykam-styled avatars.
- hb0n0/avataaarsjs .. a vanilla javascript library to generate avataaars on the client or server side!
- hearsilent/amazingavatar .. an android amazing avatar anim in collapsingtoolbarlayout.
- heatmanofurioso/ngx-avatars .. spiritual successor of haithemmosbahi’s ngx-avatar
- hello-efficiency-inc/openpeeps-generator .. a simple vue app for generating avatar using open peeps illustrations.
- holgerhuo/mravatar .. mastodonwide recognized avatars
- holiday-lab/holiday-avatar .. vue library for generating nice user avatar. (inspired by react-nice-avatar)
- houbb/awesome-metaverse-zh .. awesome metaverse projects
- hsueh-jen/avatar-maker .. simple avatar maker developed by vuejs
- huailiang/knead_proj .. the implementation of face pinching in the game
- hyaana/multivrmviewer .. a multiuser vrm viewer – view your vrm with your friends.
- hyper-online/obs-hyper-plugin .. obs plugin to show hyper avatar
- hzy0913/mavatar .. avatar upload for mobile mavatar.js
- i5ucc/vrc-asl_gestures .. gesture animationcontrollers for vrchat 3.0 avatars to be able to do more asl handshapes.
- iaarhub/apiai-botlibre .. simple página html+js+css con integración de motor de lenguaje natural “” funcionando con un avatar 3d animado de botlibre.
- iaarhub/sdkelectron-apiai-botlibre .. sdk – aplicación de ejemplo de electron para integrar y botlibre en tu aplicación de escritorio.
- ibonn/python_avatars .. avatar generation package for python
- igorkasyanchuk/avatarro .. generate google-style avatars in your application
- imanmalekian31/react-toy-face .. awesome avatars for react lovers
- imanmalekian31/toy-face .. the package for awesome avatars
- imyuanli/avatar-craft .. avatar-craft is implemented using react to quickly create your own beautiful avatar.
- incxption/pai-sho .. online multiplayer version of the popular game pai sho known from avatar
- informagico/avataaars .. server-side-rendering for avataaars component
- informagico/avataaarsnet .. .net porting of fangpenlin/avaaatars-generator
- informagico/avataaarsnet-demo .. .net porting of fangpenlin/avaaatars-generator – demo
- ingriddraagen/doggoface .. hand drawn face features, randomly assembled to cute doggos. some may look like moo-doggos or meow-doggos, but all doggos are welcome here.
- inhausmakers/avatar-manager .. avatar manager for wordpress is a sweet and simple plugin for storing avatars locally and more. easily.
- innix/github-avatar-generator .. a github-esque avatar image generator written in python.
- innocenzi/avatar .. simple online tool for cropping images from an url, your clipboard, or your disk.
- inventivetalentdev/maketwittersquareagain .. make twitter square again! – extension for chrome & firefox
- iota-cn/vue-iota-avatar .. a suite of vue components to show avatar, crop avatar, get avatar’s content for upload.
- ipsn/go-adorable .. adorable avatars from go
- isima-begarco/avatarzz .. [isima1] real-time 3d avatar control through ms kinect (1 & 2)
- issue9/identicon .. about go language version identicon avatar generation tool
- itsmichaelbtw/avatar-generator .. generate svg or png avatars with ease.
- ivstudio/tyger-avatar .. illustrated avatar react library
- izayoijiichan/vgo .. vgo is a 3d data format for unity that can store mesh, texture, material, collider, rigidbody, cloth and particle information.
- jackhamer09/web3-avatar .. web3 avatar is a lightweight library for generating beautiful gradient avatars from ethereum addresses
- jackkimmins/proficon .. proficon is a simple-to-use http-api for generating profile images for developers.
- jacksonkasi0/multi-avatars .. multi-avatars is a react component based on the npm package avataaars. it is random to you depending on what you are giving (or) give some other svg avatars.
- jacoblincool/clubhouse-avatar-pro .. a simple but powerful web app that helps you to create excellent clubhouse avatars with beautiful borders. free, secure, and highly customizable.
- jamiebicknell/minecraft-avatar .. php script (using gd) to generate avatar or skin from a minecraft username
- janlionly/avatarimagepicker .. a single line of code for selecting the optional editing image from camera or photo library, including handling the authorizations of photo library and camera.
- jaredgorski/smart-avatar .. render avatars with dynamic, defined fallback
- jason-cs18/awesome-avatar .. a curated list of resources dedicated to avatar.
- jayber/wevr .. the easy way to make your vr website multi-user
- jaywcjlove/github-action-contributors .. github action generates dynamic image url for contributor list to display it!
- jazzband/django-avatar .. a django app for handling user avatars.
- jdihlmann/osa .. open source 3d avatar reconstruction from a a single image
- jferrettiboke/ .. make your avatar now.
- jfversluis/xctavatarviewsample .. demonstrates how to use the xamarin.communitytoolkit avatarview in your xamarin.forms app
- jiaonliao/cavatar .. generating vector style avatars with java code
- jiejie-dev/pyidenticon .. a identicon python implementation.
- jinhucheung/rpictogrify .. ruby version of the pictogrify to generate unique pictograms
- jitsm555/flutter_avatar_view .. avatarview is a flutter package that allows developers to implement circular and rectangular avatar with a border or without border.
- jleung51/sapataaars .. react npm package derived from the avataaars package, with new sap-branded clothing and hat options.
- jmromer/fake_friends .. a cache of realistic, programmatically accessible social network data. like faker, but less fake.
- jndisrupter/jnavatarwithinitials .. avatar with initials
- jndisrupter/jngroupavatarimageview .. group avatar image
- jndisrupter/jnhorizontalgroupavatarcollectionview .. horizontal group avatar collection view
- joanjane/el_mur_infernal_game .. this is a fullbody interactive game based on of and openni. it is the result of my final project in computer science career in universitat pompeu fabra.
- joao208/avatar-generator .. plugin do figma para gerar avatares do aleatoriamente direto do figma personalizando o tamanho e tipo
- joao208/download-image .. script simples para gerar e baixar imagens do site
- joelcho/letteravatarkit .. an extension that generates letter-based avatars/placeholders for macos
- johngettings/lihq .. long-inference, high quality synthetic speaker (ai avatar/ ai presenter)
- jokio/avatar-contract .. web3 avatar – smart contracts
- jokio/jokland .. dapp
- jomisica/optimum-gravatar-cache .. it cache the gravatars locally, reducing the total number of requests per post. this will speed up the loading of the site and consequently improve the user experience.
- jonasdoesthings/plavatar .. placeholder + avatar = plavatar – a go library
- jonasdoesthings/plavatar-rest .. placeholder + avatar = plavatar – a stateless microservice
- jonhue/avatari .. add avatars to activerecord models
- jonyandunh/bilibilidynamicavatar .. The Grease Monkey script for uploading dynamic avatars to Bilibili expired on April 15, 2020.
- jonyandunh/jonyandunh .. github – jonyandunh/jonyandunh
- jorgenevens/avatar-redirect .. redirect to social network profile images
- jottenlips/react-bones .. dead simple content loading components for react and react-native.
- jrvansuita/materialabout .. it’s a material-design about screen to use on your android apps. a developer profile and application information easy to integrate.
- julian-theis/avatar .. adversarial system variant approximation – a novel method to measure the generalization of process models
- justinlettau/hash-value .. get a consistent value from an array based on a string value.
- justwiner/react-message-board .. simple message board based on react redux pouchdb
- jvherck/dicebear .. dicebear is an api wrapper for using the api you can get custom avatars for your program.
- jyf588/transformer-inertial-poser .. python implementation accompanying the transformer inertial poser paper at siggraph asia 2022
- jzwalk/avatars .. reader wall avatar cache plug-in for typecho 1.1
- k4ng/k-avatar .. simple component to make gmail like text avatars for profile pictures. these avatars can be scaled up to any size.
- kaaori/dynamicbonesstudio .. a useful tool for quickly setting up and manipulating dynamic bones for unity characters
- kara-4search/peb-ppidspoofing_csharp .. command line & ppid spoofing
- kara-4search/syscall_shellcodeload_csharp .. load shellcode via syscall
- kara-4search/windowseventlogsbypass_csharp .. bypass windows eventlogs & sysmon
- kazmanbanj/roboavatars .. this is a cool robot avatars made with react.js and tachyons.
- kebu/py-avataaars .. python component for avataaars – port of
- kelbovin/garticsitefotos .. apenas pra baixar fotos de perfil no
- kepeng1019/smartavatarcrop .. this is an android project write in kotlin which can smart crop picture on moving and scale, mirror by pure kotlin code.
- kevoj/thispersondoesnotexist-js .. api for generates an image of a person that does not exist in real life
- kirill3333/react-avatar .. load, crop & preview avatar with react
- kisahklasik/twibbonisasi .. ini adalah situs web tempat anda dapat menambahkan foto ke bingkai.
- kjantzer/user-avatars .. a custom html element to create colored user avatars with initials or image with from a url or gravatar guid.
- kletcka/generate_avatar .. a simple code that generates avatars.
- knovour/jquery-textavatar .. let user name become a simple text avatar
- kofirs2634/ingress-avatar-creator .. a tool for creating ingress agent avatars. made for those who would like to use their avatars beyond the game
- kolking/react-native-userpic .. display user avatars in react native like a pro with support for gravatar, user initials, unique colors, badges, statuses, and more.
- kophy/pixivavatarbot .. a telegram bot to get new avatar from pixiv. (there is problem with pixivpy package, i will fix it later.)
- krpeacock/ic-avatar .. latest iteration of the ic avatar tutorial application
- kunalbagaria/pfpstack .. streamlined api for syncing your nft avatar across dapps
- lalolv/mii-appchain-ai .. ai personal avatar customization service ai
- laojianzi/mdavatar .. mdavatar can generate single-character avatars based on strings, which are highly customizable and supports chinese avatars and round avatars.
- laosing/linie-avatars .. react components for line avatars
- laravel-enso/avatars .. laravel enso user avatar manager, so users can add a personal touch to their acounts
- laravolt/avatar .. plug n play avatar, turn name, email, and any other string into beautiful avatar (or gravatar), effortless.
- lasserafn/php-initial-avatar-generator .. generate avatars with initials from user names.
- lattas/fitme .. deep photorealistic 3d morphable model avatars
- laurentpayot/minidenticons .. super lightweight svg identicon (pixelated avatar) generator
- laurentpayot/minidenticons-elm .. super lightweight svg identicon (icon avatar) generator for elm
- lenghuang/atla-agt .. a visualization of a regret minimization learning algorithm for two person games, but avatar themed! 15-251 fall 2020 project
- letmaik/avatar-animator .. real-time 2d vector-based avatar animator for zoom and other video-conferencing apps
- li-kaige/chatgpt-vits-waifu .. using chatgpt’s api and vits speech synthesis, voice chat with ai wife is realized. it also adds memory function and information summary function, which greatly increases the capacity of dialogue.
- lincanbin/material-design-avatars .. create material deisgn avatars for users just like google messager. it may not be unique but looks better than identicon or gravatar.
- lindritkrasniqi/avatar .. avatar package for any laravel 8.x projects.
- lingjye/ljavatarbrowser .. a simple and easy-to-use image viewer
- lnquy065/react-katar .. create avatars from user ids, no need to store it on the server
- longbridgeapp/letter-avatar-gen .. a script to prepare generate a-z, 0-9 letter avatar png image.
- lossendae/vue-avatar .. an avatar component for vuejs 2.0
- lowapple/flutter-notion-avatar .. an flutter widget plugin notion-style avatars
- loweisz/generate-avatar .. generate your 100% fingerprinted example avatar from id, email, username etc.
- lsdlab/avatar-gen .. using pillow for generate avatars, first letter of string in chinese and english or random pixel like avatars.
- luaxy/myavatar .. clone of myavatar dofus
- lucasinmanuel/tela-de-login-cadastro-avatar-pandora .. tela de login cadastro avatar pandora
- lucasscariot/avatargenerator .. create an avatar from a string.
- luhart/react-native-boring-avatars .. react native implementation of
- luismendes070/horadecodar-htmlcss .. curso de html5 e css3 #12 – css seção dos depoimentos
- lukassteinwender/avatair .. a pipeline to generate user-preferred photo-realistic avatars using stable-diffusion and bayesian-optimization.
- lukazovic/node-task-manager-api .. a restful api to store and organize your tasks. it is a secure api because it does not let other users acess your tasks by authenticate all users.
- lukesrw/among-us .. custom avatar creator for “among us” players, with custom background images, colours, and hats!
- lutymane/steam-scripts .. steam userscripts
- lxbrvr/pyavagen .. generation of customizable avatars
- m-husein/q-react-avatar .. react component for display avatar or user profile.
- m1auch4t/imgbot .. imgbot – quick and light discord bot for searching images
- madjin/omnicommons-vr .. virtual reality hackerspace
- madjin/tuscany .. webxr demos of the infamous tuscany demo from original oculus rift dk1 days
- maekind/tux-avatar-project .. this is the project repository to keep tux images
- maidi29/custom-avatar-generator .. angular element (web component) that creates a random avatar svg image and lets the user customize it.
- makehuman-js/makehuman-js .. a library to build 3d human characters in the browser
- manh21/avatar .. generate avatar images in 270+ edge locations, powered by cloudflare workers
- manju1392k/loginform-with-avatar-frame .. login form with avatar frame. simple login form website with avatar changing animations
- marciobarrios/react-unsplash-wrapper .. a tiny react component to effortless use placeholder images from unsplash
- mariachf/avatar .. created with codesandbox
- marianabeldi/holasvg-avatars .. free open svg avatars
- marksmurphy/codename-generator .. use `codename-generator` to suggest some random code names for when your imagination lets you down.
- martinafsa/avatar_generator .. creador de avatar personalizado y descargable.
- maruku98/tribute-page .. tribute page to james cameron and his cinema directing career
- mateusaquino/amongsprite .. npm package for generating custom among us canvas
- matijanovosel/avatar-editor .. an avatar editor component for vue 3.
- matteomanna/simple-user-avatar .. wordpress plugin that help users to add or remove his avatar using images from his media library.
- matthewcallis/avatar .. library for showing gravatars or generating user avatars.
- mattiabasone/minepic .. minepic api source code
- mattipv4/avatar .. the full collection of my online appearance, my avatar.
- max-power/identicon .. built upon ruby matrix. includes svg, png, html and plain text renderers.
- mayandev/notion-avatar .. an online tool for making notion-style avatars.
- mdbootstrap/bootstrap-avatars .. responsive avatars built with bootstrap 5. various templates like a circle avatar, square, inside the navbar, carousel, as a testimonial, profile and many more.
- mdbootstrap/bootstrap-comments .. responsive comment box built with the bootstrap 5. comment with avatar, nested comments, comment with reply, comment section, comment template, unread comments, comment form.
- mdbootstrap/bootstrap-media-object .. responsive media objects built with the latest bootstrap 5. dedicated for highly repetitive components like blog comments, tweets, and the like.
- mdbootstrap/react-avatar .. responsive react avatar built with bootstrap 5. examples of circle or square avatar, avatar in a card, inside the navbar, testimonial carousel, profile card & more.
- mdjfs/react-profile .. a react profile image editor
- mecha-cms/x.avatar .. adds avatar property to store and display default profile photo.
- mecha-cms/x.gravatar .. an avatar service provided by gravatar to display a profile photo by email address.
- mecha-cms/x.panel.avatar .. replaces image field on the page editor with avatar field.?
- meganetaaan/avatar_ros .. yet another super-kawaii face package for ros 2
- meganetaaan/moddable-avatar .. yet another fun avatar face module for moddable sdk.
- mehboob153/wordpress-avatar-plugin .. github – mehboob153/wordpress-avatar-plugin
- mengkunsoft/mk-letter-avatar .. wordpress letter avatar plugin
- mengrru/lm .. avatar making tools
- mesalytic/discord-lookup-api .. an api that lets you fetch user info (banner, username, avatar)
- microlinkhq/unavatar .. get unified user avatar from social networks, including instagram, soundcloud, telegram, twitter, youtube & more.
- mikeboe/react-8bit-avatar .. simple react component to create github like 8bit avatars
- mikeludemann/angular-avatar .. an avatar component with angular
- mikeludemann/react-avatar .. an avatar component with react
- mikeludemann/vue-avatar .. an avatar component with vue
- milad00ahmadi/adorable-avatars .. avatars-api-middleware rewritten in rust
- miladnia/mangaface .. create your own custom avatar.
- mineatar-io/api-server .. the go server that powers the api for rendering skins for
- misaka-iot/avaticon .. avatars icon include railgun and toaru
- mistic100/squareicon .. javascript library for generating abstract images from unique identifiers.
- mistressplague/dynamicbonescollidersfiller .. adds a menuitem button to automatically fill out all the colliders for a dynamicbone with all the dynamicbonecolliders on your avatar in one click.
- mochi-neko/dynamic-unity-avatar-generator .. dynamically generates humanoid `unityengine.avatar` from skeleton bones at runtime.
- mochi-neko/facial-expressions-unity .. abstract facial expression systems (blink, lip and emotion) of human models for unity.
- modulr/api-laravel-passport .. the base for developing awesome projects
- modulr/laravel-scaffold .. the base for developing awesome projects
- mogoson/mgs.fileavatar .. avatar for text file to read and write data.
- mongonta0716/m5stack-avatar-collection .. m5stack avatar apps
- mongonta0716/m5stack-avatar-fugu1 .. avatar app for m5stack fugu version
- mongonta0716/m5stack-avatar-fugu2 .. m5stack-avatar fugu version 2
- mongonta0716/m5stack-avatar-uma .. m5stack avatar app “uma”
- montoyamoraga/avatar .. a remote performance by donald shorter jr, yuli cai, aarón montoya-moraga
- mortoys/avatar-generator .. face pinch generator based on bayesian network
- mosch/react-avatar-editor .. small avatar & profile picture component. resize and crop uploaded images using a intuitive user interface.
- msub2/aframe-exokit-avatars .. a wrapper for the exokit avatars system in an a-frame component.
- muan/avatar .. avatar framer.
- mugendi/facitars .. lightweight avatar generator for the browser and server (nodejs) that creates colorful and gender neutral avatars and also conveniently returns the avatars primary color too!
- mvs-org/metaverse .. the metaverse individual chain service etp coin and immutable data space for hyperspace.
- mybbgroup/bauble-name .. decorate your usernames with group color / avatar
- myhumanoid/myhumanoid .. myhumanoid is a modernized fork of makehuman 0.9.1
- n4ze3m/gas .. generates avatars based on a user’s name
- nacht1gall/animal-avatar-generator .. svg avatar generator (python)
- naraenda/perfhammer .. perfhammer is a unity tool to optimize (vrchat) assets.
- narcello/react-avatar-firebase .. easily avatar on firebase storage
- nathanssantos/pure-components .. wip – pure components provides prebuild dependency-free ui components to help you build your projects faster.
- nearata/flarum-ext-minecraft-avatars .. a flarum extension that allow users to use a minecraft skin as avatar
- neatar/dapp .. the web3 avatar like as gravatar
- netsi1964/cv .. a simple cv react app
- nick8592/autoavatar-installation-guide .. installation guide for autoavatar
- nickacpt/nmsr-rs .. nickac’s minecraft skin renderer
- nicored/avatar .. avatar generation (square or round) for pictures and initials.
- nikartm/android-widget .. example how to create custom layout for 2 titles into collapsingtoolbarlayout and how to add collapsingviewbehavior for views
- niksconsulting/prakriti .. an holistic online avatar generator app
- nindevs/ezavatar .. a wip unity editor script that intends to automate part of the avatar 3.0 creation process involving the animator in the game vrchat
- nisrulz/ortwin-slack-bot .. your point friend in the slack workspace
- nitishsaik/selfbio_flutter_mobile .. bio flutter app
- nitro888/dapp-alliance .. component dapps for dapp services project.
- nkoepke/profile-image .. generate a placeholder profile image in javascript as svg and png or with php, ruby and nodejs as svg. your input is a name (or text) and style options. the name will be shortened to the first letters of the first two words.
- nlcholaslee/embodiment-offline .. a website called avatar generates your “avatar” on the network.
- nmigueles/flutter_ui_avatars .. a ui avatars implementation for flutter
- notcookey/aphrogen .. a fast, free and reliable meme generation api
- nschloe/gitfaces .. fetch contributor avatars for a github repository
- nts-nts/kiadenticon .. custom identicon for new user profile photo on kiad application
- nusu/avvvatars .. beautifully crafted unique avatar placeholder for your next react project
- ofirpeer/nice-cover .. a simple, customizable, cover section created with react
- olivsinz/twig-avatar-extension .. this twig extension generates user avatar using name initials letter inside twig templates.
- opeepsfun/avatar-illustration-system .. npm package of avatar illustration system
- opeepsfun/open-peeps .. npm package of open peeps
- opencog/docker .. docker containers for opencog – robot operating system (ros)
- org-redtea/always-avatar .. no avatar? – no problem! let`s generate it!
- outline/tiley .. a colorful default avatar generator for your application
- outui/generate-avatar .. wechat national day avatar generation with one click
- oveleon/contao-member-extension-bundle .. member extension for contao 4 open source cms
- panaitescu-paul/contact-management-app-javascript-2016 .. manage your contracts by creating, updating, and deleting contacts from your personal list.
- pansanity666/awesome-avatars .. list of recent advances for human avatars, including generation, reconstruction, and editing, etc.
- pansanity666/transhuman .. a transformer-based human representation for generalizable neural human rendering”.
- par7133/avatarfree .. <=8.1, gpl
- pathos0925/whosthatavatar .. find and view public vrchat avatars
- pau7rr/vue-profile-avatar .. minimalist avatar component for vue 3
- pbesteves/react-avatar-upload .. this is a react component to allow users to upload avatar images by dnd (dragging and dropping) the file in the target area or clicking on it.
- pear/services_libravatar .. api interfacing class for
- perosa/avatarbot .. help you finding an avatar for your chatbot
- ph-7/ph2gravatar .. an easy and elegant way to generate gravatars with php
- phalcon/incubator-avatar .. phalcon avatar adapters
- pinkkraken/gui-for-py-avataaars .. this application gives you a graphical user interface for py-avataaars. it could be used in your applications or web forms.
- piotrpersona/jazzicon-generator .. jazzicon generator
- pixiv/three-vrm .. use vrm on three.js
- plaguevrc/antirip .. antirip (kanna protecc) – free and insanely strong vrchat anti rip. let us rid of rippers, together.
- pmqueiroz/reactars .. easily customizable react avatars components
- poexio/ethicons .. make a unique graphic from your ethereum wallet address
- poi-vrc/avatarimage .. a simple tool for users to use a custom image (with random text generator and version marking) for their avatar without any extra works.
- poi-vrc/avatarlib .. contains a bunch of quick-to-use apis for plugins and applications to add, modify a vrchat avatar.
- postmoderndns/pandora ..
- prezadito/rqg_atla-iroh .. uncle iroh!
- productdevbookcom/avvvatars-vue .. beautifully crafted unique avatar placeholder for your next vue project
- projectkorra/avatarmod .. the last airbender
- projectkorra/projectkorra .. the official plugin for projectkorra.
- psnehanshu/react-gravatar-or-initials .. react component to display user avatars from gravatar or initials from
- ptcodes/pixitar .. pixitar is an avatar generation library written in ruby.
- puang59/roboart .. roboart is a basic random avatar generator which generates avatar in 4 different sets when hash is provided.
- pugzy/avataritemremove .. removes minecraft from the ocn website.
- pupi1985/q2a-random-avatar .. random avatar is a question2answer plugin that assigns new users a random avatar from a given set
- pwg-extension/useravatars .. extension for phpbb3: displays avatars of users (who posted the last message) on the “index” and “viewforum” pages. it also displays avatars on the “memberlist” page in the list of users.
- python1320/vrcjoycon .. link nintendo switch joy-cons to vrchat using the new osc api (haptics only for now)
- rajacharles/how-to-create-avatar-using-html-css .. how to create css avatar image using html
- rajeski/ui_components .. lewagon prep work
- ran-j/mia .. virtual assistant/ chatbot, developed in
- rathega/avatar-gen .. github avatar generator
- raul-fornell/sngulitos .. avatar generator with javascript from canvas
- ravi0531rp/coolavatars .. a robust avatar generator with a huge number of templates
- realdigger/smf-gravatar .. gravatar and robohash for smf forums
- redsolution/avatartools .. a couple of small utilities to generate random avatars for users of incognito chats.
- rehandalal/identemoji.js .. beautiful, theme-able identicons.
- renfordt/larvatar .. larvatar is a php package for different types of avatars
- revolist/revo-ui-avatar .. light user avatars generator based on name or image.
- rgab1508/profilechanger1508 .. a twitter profile changer
- richardanaya/avatar-poser .. an avatar animation builder for the metaverse
- rimiti/stream-s3-upload-public .. simple nodejs example to “stream upload” an image to s3 with public-read acl.
- rinkaswiftie/avatar-game-portfolio .. (work in progress) a super mario type customisable portfolio
- rishabhpawar1409/blogmedia .. welcome to blogmedia, the ultimate platform for bloggers and avid readers! this platform is designed to provide entertainment and knowledge to users with a passion for writing and reading. i believe in empowering users to share their experiences and insights with world through the art of blogging.
- rmhdev/identicon .. configurable identicon generator built with silex and imagine.
- rmuif/web .. supercharged version of create react app with all the bells and whistles.
- robertandrews/cxt-wp-user-avatar .. use acf image field instead of gravatar for wordpress user avatars.
- robertlinde/extended-bigheads .. create charming big head avatars effortlessly with this component. perfect for adding personality to user profiles, chatbots, and apps. easy integration for eye-catching results.
- robinn1/svg-avatar .. create a unique avatar for each user based on their name.
- roblox-thot/avatar2obj .. download the roblox avatar example as obj
- rocketschen/cddgroupavatar .. ios group avatar / easy to use
- rocketschen/cddgroupavatarswift .. ios group avatar (swift) / easy to use
- rokartur/bongocat .. bongocat is…
- rokumatsumoto/serverless-initials-avatar .. initials avatar generator
- roma-lukashik/animal-avatar-generator .. animal avatar generator
- ros-hub/rosbot .. rosbot is an open source voice dialogue robot project, which aims to enable ros developers to quickly create personalized virtual assistants.
- roydejong/beatsaberavatar.js .. 3d web viewer for beat saber multiplayer avatars (three.js / webgl).
- roydejong/beatsaberavatarextras .. adds extra customization options for your multiplayer avatar.
- roydejong/beatsabermultiplayermirror .. beat saber mod that mirrors your avatar in multiplayer lobbies and games
- rrivera/identicon .. open source avatar generator inspired by github avatars.
- rroemhild/lavatar .. ldap-backend avatar server
- rsginer/avatar-maker .. avatar maker. designs your own character dragging and dropping
- rtugeek/national_avatar .. national day avatar generator flutter version
- rugk/avatar .. sources for my pacman avatar…
- rune-box/avatar-core .. avatar-core
- rurre/pumkinsavatartools .. a toolbox for easily setting up vrchat avatars in unity. adds functionality to the editor and automates some of the tedious tasks.
- rustigano/vue-websocket-chat-client .. vue js chat client using websockets
- ruthandroth/reference .. archive of second life and opensimulator avatar-related reference files
- ruthandroth/roth2 .. virtual world mesh male avatar
- ruthandroth/ruth .. virtual world mesh avatars
- ruthandroth/ruth2 .. virtual world mesh female avatar
- ruthandroth/skins .. open source skins for ruthandroth and other uses
- ruudvh/avatador .. super simple avatar generator in elixir.
- sampicbe/laravel-adorable-avatars .. github – sampicbe/laravel-adorable-avatars
- samsunglabs/rome .. realistic mesh-based avatars. eccv 2022
- sapic/avatarcropper .. simple quick avatar cropper!
- sator-imaging/univrm .. univrm forked for pull-request
- sator-imaging/vrm-viewer .. vrm viewer for macos, linux and windows
- savagearun/cyber .. where cyberpunk and fantasy unite in a dynamic metaverse for crafting personas, quests, and mysteries.”
- savandev/minecraft-avatar-in-php .. php script for generate a avatar from minecraft username/uuid (using crafatar api)
- saytoonz/random_avatar .. random avatar is a multicultural avatar maker. 12 billion unique multicultural avatars
- scrn-vrc/voice-recognition-shader .. audio detection with visemes in a fragment shader
- sdalu/face-no-more .. avatar generator
- seanpm2001/anime_studio_avatarstudio .. the anime studio avatar studio, for creating and managing anime and manga character avatars. part of the anime studio software project.
- see2023/see_me_now .. an assistant app is to aid children’s learning
- seedvault/actr .. the .actr project is a 3d presentation standard for avatars. it is a method of generating real-time avatar animation from natural language generation models (nlp).
- sequr/sequr-import-avatar .. a simple cli to help you import avatars from different services in too ours
- sergeyburlaka/collapsingavatartoolbarsample .. an example of animation collapsing toolbar in android
- seryiza/logos .. my logotypes and just art.
- sfi0zy/ucavatar .. unique avatars for your users. no dependencies. 1.6kb gzipped.
- sfolador/ai-avatar-suggest .. generate automatic avatars based on your users description
- sgse/wallpaper .. be the change you wish to see in the world.
- sh-sabbir/fakerphp-avatar .. a fake avatar generator for fakerphp
- shaansubbaiah/portfolio .. automatically generate and deploy a beautiful, responsive, static-site to display your github projects.
- shaigrorb/tubav .. avatar generator inspired of the ultimatest battle (ub).
- sheep-realms/sheep-realms-avatar .. pixel art avatar emoticon pack from sheep-realms
- shellixyz/hd_fpv_video_tool .. a software tool to manipulate video files and osd files recoded with the dji and walksnail avatar fpv systems
- shivam1410/fangpenlin-avataaars-generator-angular .. angular implementation of @fangpenlin’s avataaars-generator
- shpaker/tiny-userpic .. github – shpaker/tiny-userpic
- shrekshao/glavatar .. a gltf extension (extra?) for avatar with switchable skeletons, skins, clothes, etc.
- shrekshao/gltf-avatar-threejs .. a gltf-based 3d avatar system
- shrubb/latent-pose-reenactment .. the authors’ implementation of the “neural head reenactment with latent pose descriptors” (cvpr 2020) paper.
- shv0/first-letter-avatar .. generation of an avatar by the first letter of the user’s name.
- sibasish784/sibasishcv .. portfolio of sibasish padhy
- sibozhang/text2video .. text-driven talking-head video synthesis with phonetic dictionary”.
- sidahmedbenkhaoua/bkfaces .. jsf component avatar like gmail
- sixoverground/icotar .. a free colorful icon avatar generator.
- skitsanos/avatar-selector .. avatar selector demo with 40 avatars available. both select and view modes available
- skorotkiewicz/react-byte-avatar .. simple react component to display a unique avatar from user name
- sksdluh/twibbond .. this is a website where you can add photos to frames.
- skytnt/easyavatar3.0 .. a easy way to edit vrchat avatar3.0 expresssion menu and animation.
- sl45sms/plaggona .. a metaverse server
- slaffik/cd-bp-avatar-bubble .. after moving your mouse pointer on a buddypress user avatar you will see a bubble with the defined by admin information about this user.
- slurmulon/vuetify-avatar-uploader .. vuetify avatars + file uploads
- snerble/cvr-conversion-tools .. collection of unity editor tools i wrote to make life a little easier.
- snics/ng2-avatar .. ng2-avatar is a simple and lightweight avatar component for angular 2+
- so2niko/avatar-generator .. avatar`s generator. github style
- sofa-framework/sofahapticavatar .. haptic avatar driver plugin for sofa
- softhills3d/ .. examples, plugins and showcases
- soumyadip001/vue-avatar-sdh .. an avatar component for vue.js same as vue-avatar only written on vue3 and typescript. it now supports many different styles. it can also be heavily customized as per design needs.
- sowrensen/svg-avatar-generator .. offline svg avatar generator for laravel
- speckmops/ts3admin.class .. the ts3admin.class is a powerful api for communication with teamspeak 3 servers from your website! your creativity knows no bounds!
- sphexator/multi-background-discordtheme .. [depricated]discord plugin which adds custom css and gives the ability to change to different pre-selected anime themed backgrounds.
- spikharpax/avatar-plugin-eedomus .. eedomus, gestion des périphériques, mode plan, widgets et règles vocales
- spikharpax/avatar-plugin-google-assistant .. le plugin google assistant pour avatar
- splitbrain/monsterid .. the original monsterid implementation
- splitbrain/php-ringicon .. a indenticon/glyphicon library
- spookycorgi/phiz .. phiz is a tool that allows you to perform facial motion capture from any device and location.
- sravanth-space/avataram .. github – sravanth-space/avataram
- srcnalt/3d-profile-avatars .. add your website a 3d profile avatar using ready player me with a single line of code!
- srcnalt/rpm-godot-sdk .. an unofficial plugin for importing and using ready player me avatars in godot engine
- ssbarbee/react-metamask-avatar .. a react component for rendering metamask avatars based on account address
- star-sniper/map523-thelastairbender .. avatar-the last airbender game for ios devices. developed using swift | map 523 final project
- starkdmi/avatarstickers .. animated stickers for telegram and whatsapp based on face features using ai | ios application
- starkdmi/avatarstickersserver .. server for avatar stickers ios application
- staticallyio/avatar .. a simple, beautiful, and high-quality avatar service on cloudflare workers.
- stephaniesaavedraayarde/tacaibot-asistente-educativo .. asistente educativo, el cual se puede implementar a diferentes plataformas educativas. proyecto para hacklatam 2021
- stevelacey/avatars .. drop-in replacement for
- stfalcon-studio/multiimageview .. android library to display a few images in one imageview like avatar of group chat. made by stfalcon
- strangerstudios/basic-user-avatars .. add an avatar upload field on frontend pages and on the edit profile screen so users and admins can manage custom profile pictures without gravatar.
- subhajit25mondal/ .. is a php based social networking website, which supports exclusive multimedia content, sharing and private or group messaging service.
- sujjeee/peepstudio .. peepstudio is an open source tool that lets you generate random peeps avatars in seconds!
- sukhithasunil/github_gist_explorer .. github – sukhithasunil/github_gist_explorer
- swiftcarrot/gradient-avatar .. default gradient avatar generation
- syncfusionexamples/ej2-angular-7-avatar .. a quick start project that helps you to create an angular 7 avatar with minimal code configuration.
- syncfusionexamples/ .. this repository contains sample about how to add a .net maui circular image user profile using avatar view (sfavatarview)
- syncfusionexamples/show-badgeview-on-sfavartarview .. this repository contains sample to show syncfusion xamarin.forms badge view on avatar view control
- szisa/avatar_maker .. national day avatar generator
- takoyaro/svavatar .. svavatar is a svelte component wrapping dicebear’s avatars library.
- tal7aouy/avatar .. generate user avatar using name initials letter.
- talkativediv/avatar-demo .. github – talkativediv/avatar-demo
- tanem/default-avatar-helper .. a helper for creating default avatars.
- taqueci/atlassian-avatar-sync .. copies avatar pictures from jira to confluence or bitbucket
- tarmo888/obytify .. obytify your social media account with a tool that puts your avatar in the big o.
- tastytea/identiconpp .. [mirror] identiconpp is a library to generate identicons for c++.
- tegola/ash-avatar .. polymer avatar element with fallbacks for an icon and the user initials.
- terales/socatar .. web service for easily getting profile photos from several sources
- thatisuday/npm-no-avatar .. module and express middleware to generate avatar image with initials
- theashbringer/mesto-react .. photo-sharing social network mesto built on react
- theg4brielnft/theg4briel.crypto .. official page theg4briel art, display part of collections and link to nfts market place & proof of artwork for show originality of my arts
- thejeme/spryte .. spryte is an app for generating avatars
- themeselection/exemplar-free-avatar-library-for-figma-and-sketch .. exemplar – free avatar library comes with 20 avatars.
- thinkverse/create-avatar .. creating default user initial avatars in php 7
- thuhcsi/crystal.ttvs .. crystal ttvs engine is a real-time audio-visual multilingual speech synthesizer with a 3d expressive avatar.
- thutterer/initials .. use colorful svgs as user avatars in any ruby and rails application
- tianhaoz95/tianhaoz95 .. just found out that i can add a readme to my profile
- tiasaash/portfolio-website-creation .. this portfolio website consists of five pages. i mentioned each and every detail about myself on this website. i discussed my education, work experience, hobbies, skill, and many more. i also attached my resume to this website. i described my all projects along with github links, demo links, and youtube video links.
- tkd-alex/gdg-avatar .. this tool allow the user to create simple gdg avatar.
- tktcorporation/zeropolygonavatar .. a zero polygon avatar for vrchat.
- tobiaslins/lisk-avatar .. generate lisk avatars from your lisk id
- tomchen/my-avatar ..
- tonsilver/wavatarswift .. wavatarswift is a swift implementation of “wavatar”, identical to wavatars from
- toonarmycaptain/dionysus .. student avatar score chart generator
- totocaster/cdfinitialsavatar .. simple to use initials avatar generator for ios. highly customizable, but with sane defaults. works great as a avatar placeholder and such.
- travissaylor/avatar-universe-api .. api for avatar (the last airbender) and all parts of the avatar universe
- trukes/avatarholder .. library to generate automatic avatar, providing username, email or fullname from user
- trunda/avatio-avatar .. vuejs component to display svg avatars.
- trunda/avatio-ui .. ui for creating your own avatar.
- tumblerwarren/virtual_avatar_chatbot .. to create a free ai chatbot/waifu/ vtuber that will run on your local computer with minimal gpu requirement.
- uneknown/yumi .. a fast, high-performance avatar generator based on cloudflare workers
- unhammer/gnavatar .. elisp gravatar/bbdb-image wrapper
- unicornglobal/avatars .. avatar or initials
- upc-virvig/avatargo .. plug and play self-avatars for vr
- upc-virvig/mmvr .. repository for the sca 2022 paper “combining motion matching and orientation prediction to animate avatars for consumer-grade vr devices”
- upc-virvig/sparseposer .. real-time full-body motion reconstruction from sparse data”
- usarise/identicon .. a php library for generating identicons.
- utkarshdubey/silhouette .. a small js module for generating text based avatars in svgs.
- utoecat/jack-avatar ..
- utoni/github-avatar-ukrainify .. downloads your github avatar, processes it with cimg and saves the output to disk.
- uwenayoallain/y-avatars .. a small react library for generating custom svg-based placeholder avatars.
- uzcoin404/photo-uploader .. simple photo uploader with javascript. can work dynamic and change photos
- v-sekai/godot-vrm .. importer/exporter for vrm avatars and mtoon shader. available in the godot asset library.
- vaban-ru/vue-avatar .. simple and easy to use avatar component for vue 3
- varld/gradient-avatar .. beautiful default avatars.
- varld/gradient-avatar-service .. a microservice for beautiful default avatars.
- vasu2912/fakedata-api .. a simple restful api for fake data made using express and nodejs
- vbattalshn/avatar .. github – vbattalshn/avatar
- vcamapp/app .. vtuber camera, macos app that shows your avatar using coremedia i/o’s virtual camera.
- vcamapp/obs-plugin .. an obs plugin to enhance the collaboration between vcam and obs studio
- vcraescu/vue-avatar .. vuejs avatar
- vercel/avatar .. beautiful avatars as a microservice
- vernonvan/pproundedavatar .. asynchronously cropped rounded corner avatar
- viveketic/gavatar .. web app to generate avatars for github.
- viveketic/gblocks .. web app to draw github avatars.
- voicenterteam/avatars .. a library for uploading and generating avatars.
- vonwolfehaus/randomavatar .. a tiny script for generating attractive avatars.
- vpeschenkov/letteravatarkit .. use this extension to create letter-based avatars or placeholders to be utilized within your app
- vr-robotica/avatarcomponents .. wip – unity scripts for avatar behaviors
- vr-voyage/vrchat-worldlock-autosetup .. a small unity tool to setup world locked objects on avatars (sdk 3.0 at the moment)
- vrcfury/vrcfury .. this is the source code for vrcfury. for information, visit
- vsoch/pokemon .. ascii database of pokemon… in python!
- vvveb/gravatar .. show gravatar images on comments for users that don’t have avatars set
- wave-charts/avatar-gen .. a pure front-end implementation of a random avatar generator
- wdtamagi/svelte-avatar .. an avatar component for svelte
- webcaetano/holo-game-avatar .. game demo made during holochain brazil hackathon in may 2018.
- weicracker/group-avatar .. generator group avatar
- weihaox/awesome-digital-human .. a collection of resources on digital human including clothed people digitalization, virtual try-on, and other related directions.
- williamvenner/glua-material-avatar .. simple script demonstrating how to download steam avatars and generate a material from them using clientside glua.
- wirror800/avatar .. avatar set
- wm4n/flutter-avatar-maker .. an avatar generation tool in flutter
- wojciechonoszko/node-hw-rest-api .. rest api node.js
- woraya/the_blob .. a rapid 3d game prototype project.
- wpeventmanager/wp-user-profile-avatar .. wordpress currently only allows you to use custom avatars that are uploaded through gravatar. wp user profile avatar allow you to change default wordpress avatar or user profile picture. you can use any photos uploaded into your media library or use custom photo url as an avatar instead of using gravatar.
- xeho91/avatar .. an avatar project made in svg.
- xenocoderce/les-philosophes .. images digitales des philosophes au programme de philosophie en classe terminale
- xiaoli1999/custom-avatar .. customize avatars for traditional chinese festivals such as national day, mid-autumn festival, and spring festival.”
- xing403/random-avatar .. get an avatar by entering a string.
- xn-sakina/usagi .. easy avatar image cropper and previewer for sns on mobile
- yakovlevga/letterpic .. letterpic is a small jquery plugin that converts user’s name to userpic, using it’s initials.
- yavuzsonmez/gamified-car-configurator .. avatar based personal car configurator built during the mhp hackathon 2022.
- yfeng95/delta .. learning disentangled avatars with hybrid 3d representations. (face, body, hair and clothing)
- yiiguxing/compositionavatar .. android composition avatar.
- yogibagus/avamini .. a simple and fast avatar generator api
- yokohama-miyazawa/cheapvtuber .. cheap app for vtuber
- yysuni/blockies-react-svg .. blockies react svg function component, blocky identicons, address-unique ethereum avatar, svg base64 generation in browser or nodejs.
- zachalam/accountphoto .. map a universal avatar against your eos blockchain account (stored using the ipfs protocol).
- zhangsoledad/alchemic_avatar .. creating letter avatar from a name
- zhangyu836/django-excel-export .. a django library for exporting data in xlsx, xls, docx format.
- zhe-si/multiavatar-java .. names-based avatars (identicons) in vector svg and raster png formats for your website, community, or an app. an unofficial implementation of multiavatar in java.
- zhydaxq/vue-avatar .. a cute avatar editor h5, built using vue-cli.
- zidniryi/react-awesome-avatar-group .. react-awesome-avatar-group is a library for showing avatar group image or text as avatar
- zion223/fastwaimai .. imitation of meituan’s takeaway e-commerce project
- zion223/neteasecloudmusic .. imitation netease cloud music android client v6.0
- zonemeen/react-notion-avatar .. react library for generating notion-style avatar
- ztf666/avatar-fetcher .. is a webapp that uses the multiple end points to fetch and display a given user’s profile picture .
- zxz267/avatarjlm .. [iccv 2023] realistic full-body tracking from sparse observations via joint-level modeling
- zzqlplq/zzqavatarpicker .. avatar selector
- zzugbb/avatar-generate-byname .. enter username to generate avatar (svg)
- zzzsochi/flask-gravatar .. small and simple gravatar usage in flask.